中国人写作第一大问题就是不够简洁。我第一次写文章时写到the step of time is going faster,英语老师读后立即把它改成了the time is going faster。我问他为什么不能这样写,不能让这种有修辞的方法存在,他就说,这是多余。换句话说,我们中国人认为是好的修饰方法,在英语里是不能随便滥用的。用后只会画蛇添足。
1) It will be our aim to ensure proper health care for each and every one of the Chinese people.
Changed to : Our aim is to ensure proper health care for all Chinese
2) This article will help you master the basic skills of good writing
Changed to:This article will help you master the skills of good writing.
3) The Search of the forest that they conducted was entirely complete
Changed to : The search of the forest was complete
Or They conducted a complete search of the forest
4) While we were playing table tennis, she started her exercises that lasted all morning.
During our table tennis she started her exercises that lasted all morning.
5) The wonderful book, which is written in 5 chapters, described a story that took place in the Middle Ages.
The five-chapter book has told a story set in the Middle Ages.
1) Suzhou is where one can find some 2000 pavilions and towers
2) It must be remembered that we have no power, no influence. We do not have money or authority. All we have is a willingness to persevere and the hope that we shall conquer soon.
如果有建议和提议,欢迎来信 lettersgetter@hotmail.com,也欢迎加入我的口语培训。下次我再多写一些小技巧和大家分享。你若什么想法技巧,不妨也拿出来吧。 {:5_358:} 帮顶,喜欢技术帖{:5_394:} 本帖最后由 score 于 2009-9-29 17:15 编辑
try to do the homework, thanks.
1. one can find some 2000 pavilions and towers in Suzhou
2. we have no power, no influence, no money and no authority. All we have is to perserve the hope that we shall conquer soon. 现在暂时不公开作业的最佳答案。谢谢参与,过一两日后公布。 答案公布:
1 Suzhou is home to some 2,000 pavilions and towers .
2 We do not have power, nor influence, nor moeny, nor authority, but a willingness to persevere and the hope that we shall conquer soon. 正在学英语,LZ的帖子很有用