本帖最后由 contactsymon 于 2009-10-4 14:40 编辑上次谈到简洁句子和改进写法,有不少同学来信电话说对此很感兴趣,对我也是个小小的鼓励,所以我在这里找一些总结性的词组出来,希望大家在写作和口语练习时,注意尽量避免并且改进。记住,改进方法适用于科技文,学术类写作,如果是口语型的小短信,也是可以用到左边比较常用的句型的,但尽量不要用得太多太滥。
As a usual rule as a rule
At that point in time then
At this point in time now
At your earliest convenience now, soon
Concerning the matter of about
Due to the fact that because
For the reason that because
Has proved itself to be has proved, is
In connection with with
In order to to
In relation to with
Regardless of the fact although
The reason why is that because