想明年二月或者五月去英国旅行。请问如果我现在就去申请(因为刚好有假期),在申请表里填的是打算明年2月去,那英国使馆给我的签证上,是会写有效期从2010年二月到七月呢,还是会从比如今年11月就开始算起? 那样我的签证就只能到四月有效了。
请求高人解答 写信问了world brige center,很快收到了答复.贴上来,给大家当信息参考吧.
The start date of entry clearances may be post-dated by a maximum of 3 months.
For example if you wish to travel 22nd of December, do not submit your
application until the 22nd of September.
You can always change your application by filling out a new form at
www.visa4uk.fco.gov.uk. Your old application will be automatically cancelled
after 28 days. If you have already booked an appointment you may keep it but
please bring evidence of your earlier application with you. 写信问了world brige center,很快收到了答复.贴上来,给大家当信息参考吧.
The start date of entry clearances may be post-dated by a maximum of 3 months.
For example if you wish to travel 22nd of De ...
Yucca 发表于 2009-10-25 15:01 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
是不是说现在只能给最多3个月以后的签证,再晚就不行了? 是的, 最多只能提前三个月申请. 本来以为开始的日期是按自己填的为准,结果去签证时被告知,是以你的online application提交的日期为准. 也就是说,如果你的online申请表是10月25号填好的,那你可以申请你的签证开始日期是来年的1月25号前. 哦,不知道最晚要提前多久呢 你还是预留3周比较保险。