求 承重bis15kg的背带带宝宝回国 3月20
本帖最后由 sunye 于 2010-1-17 10:58 编辑如题{:5_360:} 补充一下, 双肩的。。
3月20 国航的 法兰到北京 顺便找同行mm 有一个,给mm短消息了。 2# wigwamchen [
什么牌子的呢?短mm了 呵呵,mm急,刚才正在给你发邮件呢。希望你喜欢,要背着睡着了,宝宝能靠着你胸口睡很安稳的,我家的以前也睡里面,要到家后,我就直接连解开扣子连被带一起把她放床上睡了。 关注……MM能贴个照片不?我也想看看 给发个网上的图片吧,这个是小点宝宝用,我家宝宝用时就没有把那个黑色的带子系到前面。
http://www.amazon.com/Ellaroo-Mei-Hip-Baby-Carrier/dp/B0018JSE2S/ref=pd_sbs_ba_5 Product Features产品特点
Easy-on buckles at the shoulder and waist (optional, included)
Reversible (for solid color and "leftie" position)
100% certified organic cotton fabric
Designed for comfortable use from head control to 35 lbs大概30斤多吧.
The wide shoulder strap spreads baby's weight over a wide area, eliminating pressure points. 用户评价
awesome - had a hip panda and misplaced it. found it after i got this, and the ellaroo was much more confortable - pretty, too. my daughter loves it.
从amazon考过来的,感兴趣可以看看 有没有适用于大宝宝的? 楼上的妈妈要带宝宝回国吗?是自己吗?哪天的飞机啊.我也是自己阿.我也正犹豫时带Buggy还是带背带阿.