我用的adobe acrobat reader 6。0,拷贝出来文本都是乱七八糟的。查了一下document propery, 说此pdf的encoding和font都是build in的,有什么办法把文本考出来么?[ Last edited by 李伯凌 on 2004-11-7 at 22:47 ] 比如我想拷贝下面的文本(http://www.umweltbundesamt.org/fpdf-l/1975.pdf),就会变成这样
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0/h0'5 内码的问题。可以用acrobat3.0试试。 使用的是内置的字体:mstt31c3f0。是很麻烦,楼主可以试试Acrobat 6.0。我的方法可能比较麻烦,而且用到了自己写的软件,格式也都没了,就不献丑了。
Due to their transboundary nature, problems
concerning air pollution in the Black Triangle
region (covering Northern Bohemia, parts of
Lower Silesia and Saxony) could best be
solved in a trilateral approach. Recognising
this, in June 1991 the Ministers of
Environment of Czechoslovakia, Germany,
and Poland signed a joint declaration on
cooperation in solving environmental
problems in the Black Triangle region. The
European Commission was invited to be the
fourth partner in this initiative and to assist the
region financially. Since then the PHARE
Black Triangle Project has provided more than
13 million ECU, mostly on small
demonstration projects directed at improving
the environmental quality in the Czech and
Polish part of the Black Triangle (BT). This
was a small contribution to substantial efforts
of the three national governments and industry
that have resulted in a significant improvement
of air and water quality in the Black Triangle
In the end of March 2000, the representatives
of the Ministries of Environment of Germany,
Poland, and the Czech Republic met again at
the regional conference in Dresden, and
decided to continue the successful trilateral
cooperation. With the PHARE program fading
out, for the time being cooperation is
determined by a high-ranking working group,
and later by a group of authorised coordinators,
designated by the respective countries. In the
future, activities will be characterised by
strong regional relevance, and will be
self-financed by the countries as far as possible.
The main tangible achievement of the Black
Triangle Project, so far was the establishment
and operation of the Joint Air Monitoring
System (JAMS), which consists of more than
40 monitoring stations. The trilateral Protocol
on Air Quality Data Exchange signed on
17 September 1996 enabled effective exchange
of data among the three partner countries. The
JAMS cooperation is supported by a trilateral
Working Group consisting of representatives
of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute,
Saxon State Authority for the Environment and 多谢adgjl!!!!高手!
毕竟会下蛋的鸡比鸡蛋好的多,希望adgjl肯指教。 非CID方式嵌入的字体,不太容易解出来,四楼莫非是在用OCR?………… decoded text file Originally posted by bufu at 2004-11-11 06:21 AM:
行的话我还费那个事啊…… 这就是Moderator和Conqueror的区别,嘿嘿 xpdf, GSview+Ghostscript on Windows