angelina1228 发表于 2010-6-22 22:46


本帖最后由 angelina1228 于 2010-10-8 00:46 编辑

我家宝宝出生后没多久就开始胀气,或者是肠绞痛,反正肚子鼓鼓的,总是憋气,哭闹,几乎不睡觉,太折磨人了,Salb,还有那种塞屁屁的Carum carvi和按摩油试过了都没用。在网上找到一种美国的药,叫Colic Calm,据说95%的有效率,而且是纯天然植物的,通过了美国FDA检测,虽然挺贵,还是抱着试试的心理买了两瓶,这个药在德国买不到,由于着急,所以就从美国网上订了,幸好这个药确实非常有效,至少对我的宝宝是这样的,现在夜里一次能睡5,6小时。我还余下一瓶,想原价23欧转给特别需要救急的中国妈妈,可以试一试哦!有兴趣的妈妈请回帖或留言,还有一瓶Salb送出,如果需要。

有关Colic Calm的信息可到下面的网站去看看
Our all-natural, side-effect-free gripe water contains NO alcohol, sugar, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), simethicone, herbal oils or extracts, citric acid, or artificial sweeteners, flavors or colors. In addition, there is NO wheat, gluten, soy, starch or dairy in our formula. Ingredients: A Homeopathic Blend of Chamomile, Fennel, Caraway, Peppermint, Ginger, Aloe, Lemon Balm, Blackthorn and Vegetable Charcoal. Other ingredients: Purified water and glycerin.

Colic Calm works instantly! It need only be given once symptoms of infant discomfort become evident. There is no regular dosing required, and unlike other formulas, there is certainly no waiting around impatiently hoping for relief to set in.
It's no wonder our product comes so highly recommended by pediatricians, doulas, midwives and pharmacists. Parents and babies everywhere can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Our all natural, allergen-free formula has proven time and time again the absolute best solution...even in the toughest cases. Indeed, our gentle formula provides the safest and most effective relief of colic and gas pain available anywhere...and babies just happen to love the taste!

Important Notice: Please be assured that ColicCalm is a homeopathic medicine, not one of the dietary supplement gripe waters which have been subject to recent recall due to potential health risks. ColicCalm alone is FDA regulated and registered to ensure utmost quality and purity for your precious infants.

angelina1228 发表于 2010-6-30 10:49

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