ZT iphone4的笑话
中文版A: 哇,那不是新的iphone4吗?
B: 是的,这是有史以来最完美的手机
B: AppStore上面有可以对应任何东西的软件
(apple的广告口号是 We have apps for everything)
A: O….K……? 你在买手机之前不知道这个问题吗?
B: 知道,我还给Steve Job大人发了一封email,他回信分我说是我拿电话的姿势不对。只要我用右手拿,拇指放在手机右上方,食指和中指放在手机左上方,剩下两根手指放到手机背面,避免碰到天线的空隙位置,手机就基本上不会有问题。
(1.有apple用户向steve job发邮件投诉信号问题,job说问题是他的姿势错了,让他冷静)
(2. 美国apple饭在gizmodo论坛上面详细地列出了iphone4的正式使用姿势,可以减少在低信号区域断线的几率)
B: 为了得到最好的使用享受,我们必须要学会牺牲。就像我本来是右撇子,但用左手使用iphone4很不方便,所以我开始用左手工作,右手打电话,现在问题解决了,我简直无法想象我这么多年来是如何忍受用右手写字的,直到iphone4的出现。
(2.steve job在苹果发布会 重新定义了视频聊天 的言论遭到各大厂家的评击)
B:不光是那,steve job大人在发表会上表示,在短短3个礼拜,苹果已经卖出300万部iphone。但其中只有0.55%用户投诉天线问题,超过5000个用户说iphone没有问题。
A:那换句话说,有(3000000 x0.55%=16500)人投诉天线问题,而只有(5000/30000000=0.16%)买家说这手机没有问题。这样不代表手机很有问题吗?
B:因为你并没有按照steve job大人那样说,这手机根本没有问题。就算有问题也是手机行业的问题,因为别的手机像黑莓9700也有同样的信号问题。你没有看苹果网上的视频吗?
B:你们真的太落后了,只有落伍的人才会用iphone来打电话。就算没有上网计划,我也会翘个二郎腿坐到星巴克耍酷,通过免费的无线wifi向毫无相关的路人展现这炫耀的操作系统。当一些无知的路人投来羡慕的眼光,我就可以向他们冷眼笑道:“切,农村人。”来提高自身的价值。还可以跟旁边别的apple使用者一起讨论将要推出的苹果产品,或者上网说一些我们没使用过产品的坏话,最后还一定要加上 –send from my iphone 来树立我们坚定不移的忠诚。
(有时在android论坛上看到有人骂android产品,后面签名竟然是send from my iphone)
A: hey, is that the new iphone 4?
B: yes, it is the best smartphone ever!
A: I see, I see. What are you doing with it? Downloading some games?
B: No, I am looking for an App to fix the antenna issue.
A: But I heard that is a hardware issue, an App can't fix it.
B: Iphone has an App for everything, EVERYTHING!!!
A: O.........K.....??? But do you know about the issue before you buy the phone?
B: Yes, Steve Job said more than 5000 people review it as a great phone, and only 0.55% of users complain about the antenna issue. Not only that, it had sold 3million units in 3 weeks. It is magical.
A: So on the other word, only 0.16% of users said it is a great phone, and over 16,500 users complain about the antenna issue. Does that sounds kind of bad?
B: Yes, because you didn't say it the way Mr.Job did. And it is not a really big problem anyways. As long as you hold the phone with your right hand with thumb up on the side and rest of the fingers above the gaps, you will be fine.
A: But I am a right handed person, I normally hold the phone with my left hand.
B: I was a right handed before I bought the iphone4, then I switch to left handed to use it. But now, Mr.Job is giving out free dumper for everyone who refuse to hold the phone the right way.
A: So Steve Job admit there is a problem with the iphone4?
B: NO!! There isn't a problem, most people just holding it WRONG. Mr. Job is giving out free dumper so dumb people can practice holding phones the RIGHT WAY until September 30th.
A: What about after September 30th?
B: If it takes you more than 2 months to practice holding a phone then you blow it.
A: If it requires a condom to use a phone then they blow it too.
B: It is a condom with apple logo on it!! This is a magical device, don't compare it to other dumb phones.
A: Well, at least those are phones, which you can call people with it. Don't you have any friends you want to keep in touch all the time?
B: Only dumb phone users will call people. iPhone users like me only require a StarBuck with free wifi spot so we can show people how beautiful interface and the phone is while we pointlessly navigating though websites that we don't care about. That makes me feel cool and unique.
A: You are crazy
B: At least I am crazy with an iPhone 4. Now I need to go to apple store to Pre-order the White iphone 4, since Mr.Job post it on the conference today. I HAVE TO HAVE IT i dont care~~~ 笑点是? 盲目的水果饭和盲目的水果黑都闲的蛋疼 说到底就是个手机,至于嘛 很好,继续用3Gs,2011直接换ip5 这世界永远都是个矛盾的综合体,ls说得很精确! 没有G点,太偏激,建议看看Iphone4 vs HTC这个片子。 android家的手机更是问题多多啊。但是因为种类太多,用户分散所以不可能受到这种疯狗式攻击的。
喜欢就用,不喜欢就换,粉或是黑 都是很幼稚的行为。