Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg 怎么样还有就是这个城市怎么样?
如题:Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg 怎么样还有就是这个城市怎么样? 这个大学不错,你知道马歌德保半球试验吗?就是那里,城市和大多数的德国城市没有什么区别,东德,比较常见社会主义楼,我觉得对于学习不错的城市.
it is in east germany
and it is hard to find part time job, how about nazi there? i am not sure , but i heard students there say, there are troubles 马歌德保半球试验吗,that is old, now the unversity i sgood ateconomic such asVWL, perhaps statistics is also good