湿润乐意 发表于 2010-11-12 21:56


本帖最后由 湿润乐意 于 2010-11-12 21:59 编辑

ZT: Stern.de


Schwedisches Königshaus: Carl Gustaf und die leichten Mädchen

Nach der Veröffentlichung der Skandalbiografie "Der widerwillige Monarch" kommen immer mehr Details über die angeblich wilde Vergangenheit des schwedischen Königs ans Licht. Nun behauptet ein Clubbesitzer, er habe Carl Gustaf beim Sex mit Prostituierten gefilmt. Von Julia Mäurer
Carl Gustaf, Schweden, Buch, König, Skandal, Affären, Sex, Biografie, Prostituierte

Auf der Flucht: Der schwedische König entzog sich den unangenehmen Schlagzeilen, indem er spontan nach China reiste© Tobias Hase/DPA

Die Affäre um den schwedischen König Carl XVI. Gustaf hat einen neuen Höhepunkt erreicht: Mille Markovic, vorbestrafter Inhaber des zwielichtigen Stockholmer "Club Power", droht Videoaufnahmen zu veröffentlichen, die den Monarchen beim Sex mit Prostituierten zeigen sollen. Carl Gustaf als Gast in einem Bordell, das von einem Kriminellen geführt wird? Die Empörung im Königreich ist groß. Prostitution ist in Schweden verboten. Carl Gustafs vermeintliche Eskapaden schwächen das Ansehen der Monarchie. Und das in einer Zeit, wo sich ohnehin nur noch die Hälfte der Schweden für ein Königshaus ausspricht. Vor zehn Jahren war es noch rund 80 Prozent.

Dass die Zustimmung für die schwedischen Royals weiter schwindet, dafür könnte Thomas Sjöberg sorgen. Der 52-Jährige veröffentlichte mit zwei Co-Autoren die Biografie "Den motvillige monarken" ("Der widerwillige Monarch") und stürzte damit die Monarchie in eine schwere Imagekrise. Nicht nur in Skandinavien, in ganz Europa wird das Skandalbuch mittlerweile diskutiert. "Der Berlusconi des Nordens", titelte der französische "Figaro", vom "Swinger-König" sprach die britische "Sunday Times". Was ist der Grund für die Aufregung?

Sjöberg, der als Journalist bei der angesehenen Tageszeitung "Svenska Dagbladet" arbeitet und bereits eine Biografie über Ikea-Gründer Ingvar Kamprad veröffentlichte, schildert König Carl XVI. Gustaf in seiner Biografie als unersättlichen Schürzenjäger, der zwielichtige Etablissements besuchte und Drogen konsumierte. Zudem ist von einer Affäre mit der Popsängerin Camilla Henemark die Rede, die Carl Gustav Ende der Neunziger kennengelernt und über zwei Jahre heimlich getroffen haben soll. "Wir waren wohl so eine Art Spielkameraden. Das bedeutet ja nicht, dass ich seine Geliebte war", sagte Henemark in einem Interview mit dem Boulevardblatt "Expressen". Gleichzeitig kündigte die 46-Jährige an, ihre Sicht der Dinge schildern und ein Buch über ihr Verhältnis zu Carl Gustaf veröffentlichen zu wollen.
Carl Gustaf war noch nie ein Kind von Traurigkeit

Doch mit der Affäre allein lässt sich der Skandal noch nicht begründen. Mitte der Neunziger, so ist es in Sjöbergs Werk zu lesen, soll sich Carl Gustaf gemeinsam mit drei Freunden in diversen Stockholmer Nachtclubs und Edelpuffs vergnügt haben. Dass das heutige schwedische Staatsoberhaupt kein Kind von Traurigkeit ist, ist nicht neu. Bereits in den Siebzigern soll der junge Carl Gustaf die Frauen gewechselt haben wie andere die Unterwäsche. Dies änderte sich erst, als Carl Gustav 1972 die deutsche Olympiahostess Sylvia Sommerlath kennenlernte, die er 1976 zu seiner Frau und damit zur schwedischen Königin machte.
Carl Gustaf, Schweden, Buch, König, Skandal, Affären, Sex, Biografie, Prostituierte

Autor Thomas Sjöberg und sein Skandalbuch "Der widerwillige Monarch"© Leif R. Jansson/Reuters

Trotz der Ehe mit Sylvia habe Carl Gustaf nicht auf seine ausschweifenden Männerabende verzichten wollen, behauptet Sjöberg. Als Beweis lässt er in seinem Buch den serbischen Boxer Mille Markovic zu Wort kommen. Der gilt als Mitglied der Balkan-Mafia und saß 1995 wegen Erpressung im Gefängnis. Markovic betreibt in Stockholm den "Club Power". Eben jenes Etablissement soll Carl Gustaf gemeinsam mit seinen Freunden in den Neunzigern regelmäßig aufgesucht haben. Als Hostessen getarnte Prostituierte sollen für das Wohl der Männer gesorgt haben. "Sie richteten den Whirlpool her, zündeten Kerzen an, schenkten Wein nach. Dann setzten sie sich auf den Schoß der Männer, streichelten sie und zogen sich langsam aus. Wer Sex haben wollte, ging einfach ins Solarium oder in den Nebenraum mit dem Whirlpool. Auch Amphetamine und Kokain machten die Runde", schreibt Sjöberg.

Carl Gustaf selbst hat sich bisher nur vage zu den Veröffentlichungen geäußert. Er habe noch keine Zeit gehabt, das Buch zu lesen, sagte der 64-Jährige am Rande seiner traditionellen Elchjagd in Hunneberg. Kurz darauf ließ er verkünden, das sei alles so lange her, dass er gemeinsam mit Ehefrau Silvia beschlossen habe, nach vorn zu schauen. Ein Dementi klingt anders. Bisher hat das Königshaus keine rechtlichen Schritte gegen das Buch eingereicht, das bereits am Erscheinungstag ausverkauft war und nun in einer Auflage von 30.000 Exemplaren nachgedruckt werden soll. "Dass der Hof nicht klagen will, sehen wir als Bestätigung, dass alles wahr ist", sagten die Autoren in schwedischen Medien.
Bei Ärger fliehen die Königshausmitglieder ins Ausland

Dass sich Carl Gustaf nicht weiter zu den Vorwürfen äußerte, wird ihm in seiner Heimat als Arroganz ausgelegt. Die Boulevardzeitung "Aftonbladet" fand, dass auch ein gekröntes Staatsoberhaupt heutzutage nicht mehr so locker Fragen abweisen sollte, die "das ganze Land bewegen". Der Monarch entzog sich vorerst weiteren Diskussionen und reiste überraschend nach China, um dort seine Tochter Madeleine zu treffen. Die Flucht ins Ausland ist ein altbewährtes Mittel der schwedischen Königsfamilie, um unangenehmen Schlagzeilen in der Heimat zu entgehen. Kronprinzessin Victoria reiste in die USA, als sie Ende der Neunziger an Magersucht erkrankte. Ihre jüngere Schwester Madeleine suchte ebenfalls in den Vereinigten Staaten Ablenkung von der geplatzten Verlobung mit Jonas Bergström. Lange wird sich Carl Gustaf allerdings nicht mehr verstecken können. Ende der Woche soll der Monarch von seiner Chinareise zurückkommen. Bis dahin werden die Schweden das Skandalbuch sicher nicht vergessen haben.

湿润乐意 发表于 2010-11-12 21:56

本帖最后由 湿润乐意 于 2010-11-12 22:05 编辑


ZT: Mailonline

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1326783/How-King-Carl-Gustaf-Sweden-enjoyed-wild-sex-parties-strippers.htmlRevealed: How

the King of Sweden enjoyed wild sex parties with strippers - and a lengthy affair with a buxom model

To the world at large, King Carl Gustaf of Sweden is the ­perfect 21st-century ­monarch. A charming man of quiet ­dignity, loved by his people as an ordinary family man, his main hobby is Scouting.

His only acknowledgement of a racier world is the stable of fast cars he enjoys driving. As for his 34 years of marriage with Queen ­Silvia, this is held up in ­libidinous Sweden as a ­wonderful example of what ­marriage should be.

At least, that’s how it was. But suddenly the 64-year-old King’s bespectacled image of almost dull respectability has undergone a remarkable transformation.
Transformation: A new biography of King Gustaf of Sweden shows that he is a habituee of wild sex parties involving strippers, and contains damning allegations of a cover up by the Swedish secret service


Transformation: A new biography of King Gustaf of Sweden shows that he is a habituee of wild sex parties involving strippers

In a new biography of the King — who is our own Queen Elizabeth’s third cousin — he emerges as an habituee of wild sex parties involving strippers, sometimes hosted by an infamous Mafia boss in a Stockholm club.

Perhaps most damaging of all is the ­allegation that, over many years, he has been protected by the Swedish secret service, Sapo, hoovering up embarrassing material in his wake and ­pressuring women to hand over compromising pictures.

As the book, The Reluctant Monarch, sold out its entire 20,000 initial print in Swedish bookshops yesterday, this normally ­unshockable country was shaken by the ­startling details amassed by its three ­investigative authors about the secret life their King has apparently been leading.

What emerges is a monarch who has spent a fortune on sex parties and strip clubs.
At one Stockholm club elaborate dinners were followed by liaisons in a communal ­whirlpool with scantily clad women, some of them, it seems, aspiring models.

Several women claim they had sex with the King. Indeed, after one big dinner, he is said to have enjoyed sex with two women at the same time

Sometimes, according to the book, the girls would ‘throw off their clothes and sit in the men’s laps’.

According to the Mafia-linked club owner Mille Markovic, who is quoted in the book, he liked having the King as a customer because it minimised the possibility of police raids.

Several women interviewed for the book claim they had sex with the King. Indeed, after one big dinner ­celebrating a successful elk hunt, he is said to have enjoyed sex with two women at the same time.

At the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, where the King of Sweden was ­inevitably a VIP guest, he is said to have spent $10,000 (£7,000) in the Gold Club nightclub, including two hours in a room alone with one of the strippers.

In some instances, Sapo agents have been used to search the homes of women in order to confiscate ­pictures and negatives taken at the King’s private parties.

‘If the rolls of film and pictures aren’t turned over, some ­unpleasant things will happen,’ the book ­startlingly claims.

No fewer than 14 pages are given over to an alleged lengthy affair he had with Camilla Henemark, the beautiful Swedish singer and model whose father was Nigerian and mother Swedish.
Lengthy affair: 14 pages of the book are devoted to the relationship the King is alleged to have had with Camilla Henemark, a singer and model

Lengthy affair: 14 pages of the book are devoted to the relationship the King is alleged to have had with Camilla Henemark, a singer and model

Her response to the revelations yesterday was not to deny them but merely to say her ­lawyer had advised her ‘not to give any comments’.

The book claims that Queen Silvia was aware of this affair but was ­helpless as the King ‘had fallen in love like a teenager and, on one ­occasion, the King and Henemark were talking about leaving for a ­distant island, like Marlon Brando in Tetiaroa in French Polynesia, where they planned to live on coconuts’.

To Swedes, it is scarcely ­imaginable that this comfortable man, so ­correct in his role, so enthusiastic about Scouting as the youth movement’s world chairman and a regular visitor to jamborees, could even ­contemplate such a sordid secret life.

Typically, he delighted his subjects some years ago with a remark showing his disapproval of the clubbing of baby seals in neighbouring Norway.

He said that a prime minister who couldn’t take care of baby seals couldn’t be very good at ­taking care of his country.
Facing questions: The King held a news conference in Hunneberg yesterday, during which he made a short comment about the book

Facing questions: The King held a news conference in Hunneberg yesterday, during which he made a short comment about the book

There has always been much ­sympathy for him, since it emerged that he is dyslexic and finds ­reading and writing difficult.

Added to this was considerable admiration for the way he overcame the challenges he faced as a child.

He was just seven months old when his father was killed in a car crash. This made him heir to his ­grandfather, King Gustaf. He was 27 when he became King.

King Carl Gustaf has talked of the sadness of growing up without knowing his father. His elder sister, Princess Birgitta, has said they were brought up in a royal house of severe strictness where ‘children’s questions were met with silence, children’s anxiety and fear with the same silence’.

It is because they know this story of the King’s wretched childhood that his ‘happy’ marriage has been such a significant part of the warmth shown by his subjects ­during his 37-year reign.

‘It’s terrible that this has all come out,’ says a courtier. ‘But the Queen is a trooper. She will show nothing.’

Ironically, it was at another ­Olympic Games — in Munich in 1972 — that he met Silvia Sommerlath, an ­interpreter with a German father and Brazilian mother. She was ­working as an official Games hostess.

They married in Stockholm ­Cathedral in 1976 and, until now, nothing has ever indicated anything but contentment in the marriage.

In fact, recent episodes rocking the royal household, concerning their children, made them seem closer and more devoted to each other than ever.

First, their son Prince Carl Philip ended a decade-long romance with his g­irlfriend and started seeing Sofia Hellqvist, a reality TV show model who has posed ­wearing ­nothing but a python and a G-string.

Then it emerged their younger daughter Princess Madeleine, 28 — once seen as a possible bride for Prince William — had pulled her engagement ring off her finger, ­cancelled her wedding to her ­dashing lawyer boyfriend of eight years, Jonas Bergstrom, and flown in tears to New York, where she remains.

The reason: a blonde Swedish ­photography student had ­disclosed that she had sex with the putative prince after meeting him in a Swedish ski resort.
Close and devoted: The King with his family in 2005, from left: Prince Carl Philip, Crown Princess Victoria, Queen Silvia and (far right) Princess Madeleine

Close and devoted: The King with his family in 2005, from left: Prince Carl Philip, Crown Princess Victoria, Queen Silvia and (far right) Princess Madeleine

‘We were intimate — he followed me home in a taxi at four o’clock in the morning,’ she told a Norweigian magazine. ‘I’m sorry for Madeleine for having an unfaithful man.’
Within hours, the royal palace had issued a statement saying the ­Princess’s engagement was off.

Nor was the mood in the family improved by their eldest child, ­Princess Victoria, 33. She is the heir to the throne, rather than her younger brother, because of a change in the law insisted on by their father, which enables the ­eldest to inherit, whatever their sex.

This very modern King wanted to be sure that no daughter of his would be passed over for the throne, as were his own four older sisters.

In June, the future Queen shocked her parents (and horrified royal courtiers) by marrying the man who had been her personal trainer for eight years. The genial chap from the provinces is now Prince Westling.Through all these family dramas, no one has suffered more than Queen Silvia. First her children — now her husband.

‘It’s terrible that this has all come out,’ says a courtier. ‘But the Queen is a trooper. She will show nothing.’
Revelations: Copies of the controversial book, 'Carl XVI Gustaf: The Unwilling Monarch' at a book store in Stockholm

Revelations: Copies of the controversial book, 'Carl XVI Gustaf: The Unwilling Monarch' at a book store in Stockholm

Meanwhile, King Carl will, in four weeks’ time at Stockholm Concert Hall, perform as ever his annual duty of handing out the awards to this year’s Nobel Prize winners.
In the tradition of the awards, he will say nothing, leaving the speeches on this great occasion to the recipients.

Yesterday he wasn’t very talkative either, when he faced questions about the book, after he’d enjoyed a gathering with friends of a more ­publicised kind — shooting elk.
He had not read the book ‘yet’, he said, when he emerged from the ­forest, but he understood what it contained.

‘I have spoken with my family and the Queen and we choose to turn the page ... and move forward because, as I understand, these are things that happened a long time ago,’ he said.

That may be so, but can things ever be the same again between King Carl Gustaf and his people? 展位

湿润乐意 发表于 2010-11-12 21:56

本帖最后由 湿润乐意 于 2010-11-12 22:11 编辑




湿润乐意 发表于 2010-11-12 21:57

本帖最后由 湿润乐意 于 2010-11-12 22:16 编辑



湿润乐意 发表于 2010-11-12 21:57

本帖最后由 湿润乐意 于 2010-11-12 22:17 编辑



湿润乐意 发表于 2010-11-12 21:58

本帖最后由 湿润乐意 于 2010-11-12 22:19 编辑



Col 发表于 2010-11-12 22:27


Col 发表于 2010-11-12 22:29


64岁的他 ...
湿润乐意 发表于 2010-11-12 21:56 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif


Hero2008 发表于 2010-11-12 22:33

本帖最后由 Hero2008 于 2010-11-12 22:35 编辑


64岁的他 ...
湿润乐意 发表于 2010-11-12 21:56 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif




chijingyun 发表于 2010-11-12 22:33

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