问个很初级的问题:在德国可以零首付买房吗?就是只每月按揭 可以,我们家就是0首付。不过,所有的Nebenkosten都是我们自己付的,这部分没有贷款。 你这个也叫首付了,这些费用至少5%,不少了. 可以,我有的房产就是0首付。而且,所有的Nebenkosten也都是贷款,我自己不付的。
就是希望挣我的。 你这个也叫首付了,这些费用至少5%,不少了.
ERICHANSA 发表于 2010-11-25 10:31 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
阿?这样也叫有首付了?银行说我们是100%贷款阿,所以我就觉得我们没首付的呢。 怎么觉得大家好像都很想少交首付。
不知道是不是我自己的心态问题, 总觉得贷款一下在贷10年什么的, 是不是太长了? 心理上能受得了吗? 我还是中国人的传统观念吧, 总觉得越快付清房屋的费用心理负担越小。 否则会不会日常生活的神经总得绷紧啊, 因为总想着要按揭。
难道是我太落伍了? 怎么觉得大家好像都很想少交首付。
不知道是不是我自己的心态问题, 总觉得贷款一下在贷10年什么的, 是不 ...
tonghuagushi 发表于 2010-11-25 23:54 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
i know a woman who lived in a luxuriousm mansion paying nothing at all.
she graduated from ivy league in 2000.
she bought a house the same year later with no down payment for 550k
she refinanced the mansion to another bank for 650k in 2005.
the price was still rising, she refinanced again in 2006 to the third bank, getting 750k.
she was checking the market, if the value raised, she would have found the 4th bank. but the price dropped indeed. so she gave the key back to the bank. the bank had to start a short-sale before the house got foreclosed.
so, the high-intellegent woman lived 10 years in a luxurious mansion for free, she never paid her mortgage, she never took care of the house,and gets 200k cash from this property!
this is called ji2 pin3 nv3 in chinese...
sorry, just can't type chinese... 贷10年什么的, 是不是太长了
tonghuagushi 发表于 2010-11-25 23:54 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
但是对我来说,10年就是极限了。不想一辈子都还贷~ i know a woman who lived in a luxuriousm mansion paying nothing at all.
she graduated from iv ...
HBG 发表于 2010-11-26 04:13 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
噗~ i know a woman who lived in a luxuriousm mansion paying nothing at all.
she graduated from iv ...
HBG 发表于 2010-11-26 04:13 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif