lulumartin 发表于 2010-12-8 02:48


本帖最后由 lulumartin 于 2010-12-10 01:02 编辑


今天晚上,我老公已经向我道歉,虽然有点别扭,但是我已经很开心了。 家婆也上来个我道歉,还送我一束玫瑰花,很漂亮。我也跟家婆道了歉,也向她说今后会经常找她练习德语,希望能减少沟通上产生的冲突。

今天晚上,老公也主动关心我了,这让我很开心,因为我们大家都退一步,都积极地想改变现在的处境。我来了半年,德语还不行是因为最近才找到一间学校有提供晚课的,一星期上两次。 上晚课是因为孩子在家没人照顾,明年才上正式的课,每一天的,到时也会带着孩子去上课,幸好这家学校有帮忙照顾孩子。



我爸妈也希望我们相处得好,好好的过生活,毕竟已经有了孩子,情况也不是很糟糕,缺乏的就是沟通。 为了孩子,为了家,我要做的就是改变自己,改变老公 :-)

这是我爸爸发来劝我的,我看了有启发。也在这里跟大家分享 :-)

According to Buddhist teaching, in a marriage, the husband can expect the following qualities from his wife:

— love
— attentiveness
— family obligations
— faithfulness
— child-care
— thrift
— the provision of meals
— to calm him down when he is upset
— sweetness in everything
In return, the wife's expectation from husband is:

— tenderness
— courtesy
— sociability
— security
— fairness
— loyalty
— honesty
— good companionship
— moral support
Apart from these emotional and sensual aspects, the couple will have to take care of day-to-day living conditions, family budget and social obligations. Thus, mutual consultations between the husband and wife on all family problems would help to create an atmosphere of trust and understanding in resolving whatever issues that may arise.

The Buddha's Advice to a Couple
I. The Wife
In advising women about their role in married life, the Buddha appreciated that the peace and harmony of a home rested largely on a woman. His advice was realistic and practical when he explained a good number of day-to-day characteristics which a woman should or should not cultivate. On diverse occasions, the Buddha counseled that a wife should:

a) not harbor evil thoughts against her husband;
b) not be cruel, harsh or domineering;
c) not be spendthrift but should be economical and live within her means;
d) guard and save her husband's hard-earned earnings and property;
e) always be attentive and chaste in mind and action;
f) be faithful and harbor no thought of any adulterous acts;
g) be refined in speech and polite in action;
h) be kind, industrious and hardworking;
i) be thoughtful and compassionate towards her husband, and her attitude should equate that of a mother's love and concern for the protection of her only son;
j) be modest and respectful;
k) be cool, calm and understanding — serving not only as a wife but also as a friend and advisor when the need arises.
In the days of the Buddha, other religious teachers also spoke on the duties and obligations of a wife towards her husband — stressing particularly on the duty of a wife bearing an off-spring for the husband, rendering faithful service and providing conjugal happiness.

Some communities are very particular about having a son in the family. They believe that a son is necessary to perform their funeral rites so that their after-life will be a good one. The failure to get a son from the first wife, gives a man the liberty to have another wife in order to get a son. Buddhism does not support this belief.

According to what the Buddha taught about the law of Karma, one is responsible for one's own action and its consequences. Whether a son or a daughter is born is determined not by a father or mother but the karma of the child. And the well-being of a father or grandfather does not depend upon the action of the son or grandson. Each is responsible for his own actions. So, it is wrong for men to blame their wives or for a man to feel inadequate when a son is not born. Such Enlightened Teachings help to correct the views of many people and naturally reduce the anxiety of women who are unable to produce sons to perform the "rites of the ancestors."

Although the duties of a wife towards the husband were laid down in the Confucian code of discipline, it did not stress the duties and obligations of the husband towards the wife. In the Sigalovada Sutta, however, the Buddha clearly mentioned the duties of a husband towards the wife and vice versa.

II. The Husband
The Buddha, in reply to a householder as to how a husband should minister to his wife declared that the husband should always honor and respect his wife, by being faithful to her, by giving her the requisite authority to manage domestic affairs and by giving her befitting ornaments. This advice, given over twenty five centuries ago, still stands good for today.

Knowing the psychology of the man who tends to consider himself superior, the Buddha made a remarkable change and uplifted the status of a woman by a simple suggestion that a husband should honor and respect his wife. A husband should be faithful to his wife, which means that a husband should fulfill and maintain his marital obligations to his wife thus sustaining the confidence in the marital relationship in every sense of the word. The husband, being a bread-winner, would invariably stay away from home, hence he should entrust the domestic or household duties to the wife who should be considered as the keeper and the distributor of the property and the home economic-administrator. The provision of befitting ornaments to the wife should be symbolic of the husband's love, care and attention showered on the wife. This symbolic practice has been carried out from time immemorial in Buddhist communities. Unfortunately it is in danger of dying out because of the influence of modern civilization.

The Past



我的老公是德国人,我的孩子现在一岁半,是在马来西亚出生的,我本身是马来西亚华人。 我们是半年前才回来德国的。到了这里,我们和家婆是住在同一个屋檐下,但是我们住在楼上。


事情是这样开始的,自从我们回到德国后,我的老公好像就变成了mommy boy, 这个是我无法忍受的,什么事情都要告诉家婆,家婆也什么事情都要给意见。比如我们要买的baby high chair什么的,给意见就算了,我们觉得不合心意,她就一直吵吵吵。。当时我是完全不懂德语的,现在听懂了一点点, 我从那时候开始就觉得怎么这个家婆这么爱管闲事。我很不喜欢一直在我和孩子面前这样吵吵闹闹的,而且就为了这种小事。

之后凡是我需要什么,想买什么,她都会给我老公意见,意思我很会花钱??!! 难道我在这里买个电饭锅也不行??? 来了半年,才买了一次编制外套和围巾,也要诸多意见!买了回来,还说她有很多没有用的围巾,叫我老公可以把围巾退回去。。。:dizzy:就这样家婆在我和老公之间一直给这些主意,使到我和老公之间也发生很多摩擦,主要是因为老公也和家婆站在同一阵线上。 我买个小型的吊衣架(挂在暖气上的那种),才几块钱的东西,也要和家婆说,家婆也要给意见,当时我听不懂他们在说什么,但是看家婆的脸色就知道他根本不想我买这个。我就傻傻地站在他们面前听着他们讨论几块钱的东西,这有必要吗??? 难道我买来挂自己手洗的内裤也要你来批准???

最让我受不了的是,我家婆还要干涉我的私人习惯,就是女人来月经用的棉花,我是用那种一片一片的卫生棉的,而且我每次换卫生棉都会清洗下体,保持干净。但是我的家婆要让我用那种棒状的,塞进私处的。她让我的老公跟我讲,叫我用,这样就不用一直清洗下体,不需要用这么多水。天啊。。。。我是真的第一次遇到这样的人,那时候听了,我超级反感我的家婆了,超级觉得恶心,连这么私人的东西她都要管。而且让我生气的是我老公,竟然一直叫我用。 为什么我的老公变成了这样,来到了这里,变了个样??

现在天气很寒冷,第一次在这么冷的环境下生活,老公非但没有体谅我,还冷言冷语。我从秋末的时候,就开始觉得很冷了,主要是因为家里的暖气没开。我跟老公说了,老公总是给我说一大堆理由。。。但是他当我是傻的吗,总机没开怎么会暖活。当时我每天晚上都是脚冰冰的上床睡觉,床褥和被单都很冰 , 睡在上面,感觉我的身体一直在吸取那些寒气,对于我这个在热带国家长大的人来说那里可能受得了!! 但是,我的老公连最基本的体贴,最基本的关心都没有给我,反而跟我说这是正常的,正常个屁!你住在马来西亚的时候,不是一整天开空调,不是一直喊热?? 现在我到了这里,不适应这种气候是正常的,家里还不开暖气, 还要说我的身体差?? 你们这都是什么人?? 到了你们无法忍受的时候,才开暖气,但是楼上的暖气,尤其是我房间的,根本不行啊!! 根本就是出问题了阿。。。我给老公说。。。叫他跟家婆说找人来看看。。。结果。。。他们总是有理由。。总是有借口。。。总是说我身体的问题。。。。我就这样在这么冷的房间里睡了一个月。。。。

(第一次,我的月经迟了)。。。。。 我觉得是因为每天睡在这么冷的房间造成的。我老公怀疑我怀孕,我也很担心,因为从来没有这么过,迟了大半个月吧!我就让老公去买验孕棒,5 euro, 验了之后, 没有。当天晚上,怎么知道就这么巧,月经来了,跟老公说。。。老公竟然说我浪费他的钱!! 天啊,5块钱都要跟我计较。靠!! 我嫁你,给你生孩子,离乡背井,来这里就是要做奴才,要来给你们受气??!!! 那我还不如回我马来西亚去,在那里要吃什么就吃什么,有哪个男人会为了这么点钱来跟老婆计较的。还有家人都当我是宝,我来这里就要这种待遇,我有必要吗? 就这样,我对老公心生了很多不满,很多时候我们都是吵架的。

最后,上个星期,我受不了房间的冷了,我把床单什么的都搬到孩子的房里, 孩子的房间比较小,比较暖和,而且暖气也正常。这时候,我老公就说家婆有发热的(枕头大小的)。。。他叫我把床褥搬回去,怕床褥坏掉。。。靠。。。。让我受寒了整一个月多,也不见你说有这个东西,现在看到我搬床褥,你想到的就是钱的问题。我到底是什么,你到底有没有关心我???

前几天,暖气的总机有问题,家婆住的楼下的暖气也不暖和,修理的人隔天就到!就准你们觉得冷是正常的?? 我觉得冷就说我不正常??? 靠!! 这什么人??!! 我冷了这么久,房间的暖气不能用了这么久,不见家婆叫人来, 还要一直跟我说觉得冷是正常的!!!


今天,天开始暗了,孩子也玩到很累了,这时候我就开始给孩子喂奶,哄孩子睡觉,孩子已经昏昏欲睡了。这时候,我的老公就上来要孩子,说家婆要带孩子出去散步, 我说孩子已经累了,要睡了。但是我的老公就一直进房间打扰我,害得孩子已经要睡下去了有给吵醒。当时我极度不高兴,我坚决不让孩子出去。结果这时候家婆竟然冲进孩子的房里对着我大呼小叫。。。他妈的!! 允许我在这篇文章里的不雅,我只想发泄情绪。我不是听得很明白家婆再说什么,但是我看不惯她在孩子要睡了还要大呼小叫,结果。。。。生平第一次。。我的情绪爆发了。。。。我最近一直受的鸟气全部爆发了。。。。我第一次破口大骂,就像泼妇骂街一样。我们就这样对着相骂。他用德语,我用英语。我的老公静静在一旁。 结果最后,家婆竟然动手要强势抱走我的孩子,我不放。最后家婆竟然说要报警。好啊!! 报啊!! 当时我的情绪已经失控了,整个声音都变了。 我就开始找电话。 这时候我的老公开口了,对家婆喊了几声。家婆看我真的有意思要打电话叫警察。反而这样家婆好像就怕了,怕我找到电话,还一直说什么是“...mein telefon" 。 靠,以为我不敢吗?我是孩子的妈,我还怕警察吗?以为我好欺负,现在我破口大骂,真的要叫警察就怕了,靠。。。难道德国人就这么其软怕恶??? 神经病, 不能等孩子睡醒后再出去呼吸空气阿。。。就不能让孩子好好睡觉吗?还要报警来威胁我。。。

我真得受不了了。。。我跟我的老公摊牌,要就搬出去,我们还有未来。不然我就和孩子回马来西亚,我根本不稀罕住在这里。 今天老公没有上来睡,也没有说一声。。。我等他明天的答复。

webcxc 发表于 2010-12-8 03:20

mm 你这条路不好走



webcxc 发表于 2010-12-8 03:31






养乐多先生 发表于 2010-12-8 03:34


kxww100 发表于 2010-12-8 03:49


xiaoxiao15 发表于 2010-12-8 04:56


卖火柴的小女孩 发表于 2010-12-8 05:43


军曹 发表于 2010-12-8 06:25

本帖最后由 军曹 于 2010-12-8 06:37 编辑


湿润乐意 发表于 2010-12-8 07:27


苏小小 发表于 2010-12-8 07:29

德国女人都是这样欺软怕硬的,假如你们在经济上可以独立还是尽快搬出去自己住,不然只有离婚这一条路可走了。你可以搜索一下以前的贴子,凡是老公是mami boy, 跟父母住在一起的没有一个日子过的开心的。除非你非常强悍,能管得了老公,制服家婆。
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