本帖最后由 kanpxd_19 于 2011-1-1 23:45 编辑昨天是破解界非常重要的日子,27C3黑客年会在柏林举行,成为众多高手交流成果与心得的舞台。下面带来的是关于PS3破解的最新消息,从这次年会最后发布的情况来看,现在PS3的安全防线已经崩溃,XBOX360或许成为本时代最安全的主机。
■Sony's PS3 Security is Epic Fail
This morning was the big unveil at the Chaos Communication Congress in Berlin, and it did not disappoint. Here is a brief synop** for those that missed it.
■The first few minutes of the conference were spent explaining the state of security on other consoles (Wii, 360, etc). Following this, the group went on to explain the current state of affairs on the PS3. First, explaining Geohot's memory line glitching exploit from earlier this year. The team then went on to explain the current PS3 security bypasses, such as jailbreaking and service mode/downgrading.
一开始的几分钟用在了解说wii和360 当前的安全防御状态上。然后,小组继续解说关于ps3的安全防御。 首先,小组分析了今年早些时候Geohot发现的那个ps3安全漏洞, 然后小组解释了当前各种破解ps3方法的原理。(包括各种狗,降级等)
■Approximately a half hour in, the team revealed their new PS3 secrets, the moment we all were waiting for. One of the major highlights here was, dongle-less jailbreaking by overflowing the bootup NOR flash, giving complete control over the system. The other major feat, was calculating the public private keys (due to botched security), giving users the ability to sign their own SELFs Following this, the team declared Sony's security to be EPIC FAIL!
在大概30分钟后, 小组终于揭示了他们新的ps3漏洞。 最主要的信息是,在PS3启动时, 通过特定的溢出代码(感謝 confire 的補充翻譯), 可以不使用狗就能够得到控制整个ps3系统的权限。 另外一个成就是通过计算公开的私人密匙, 使用户获得签署自制SELFs的权限。最后小组宣布完全攻破sony的安全系统。
■The recent advent of these new exploits means current firmware is vulnerable, v3.55 and possibly beyond. It will be very difficult for Sony to fix the described exploits.
这说明当前所有的ps3固件都可以被破。 包括3.55, 可能还有以后的版本。 Sony想要堵住这些漏洞是非常困难的。
■The team then displayed the website http://fail0verflow.com/ were we assume will host examples of the new exploits and further details. They stated that easy to use tools would be coming next month.
小组公开了他们的官网http://fail0verflow.com。 相信不久的将来会有更多关于破解的信息会发布在上面。他们声称这个容易使用的工具将会在下一个月发布!! 私匙被攻破的意义在于——SONY无法反破解,除非SONY敢让玩家手中以前买的游戏都玩不了。 溢出代码。。。。不会又是printf干的吧。。。。 好消息 这个实在是好消息,基本上ps3就和普通电脑一样,可以随便搞了 可惜无法网战啊 。。我买来大都是网战的 这个消息真是好啊,看来直接买ps3既能玩游戏,又能看蓝光盘了, 回复 1# kanpxd_19