XX X has completed the PayPal Verification process to help confirm their identity, and they have a confirmed bank account, or been approved for a PayPal Plus Credit Card.The PayPal Verification process is a security measure to confirm that a user is the owner of the bank account or credit card they are using in PayPal. Confirming each user's identity helps prevent fraud, such as identity theft, and increa! ses the security of payments in PayPal.
*The payment has been deducted from the buyer's account and will be credited into your account after you provide shipping details to us: company used and Tracking Number. You can now proceed with the shipping. Provide shipping details by email at: paypal.service@service-onlineverified.com, or just reply to this email. 骗人的 没收到钱,绝不寄东西!{:5_395:} 你直接回复他说No money,No goods。^_^ Paypal付款基本上是瞬间到帐, 付款成功同时两封email 证明就通知双方,估计是个骗子。
你回信说,以paypal到帐为准。 我前不久也在德国ebay上卖了东西,一个英国买家拍下的,当时就收到钱了,paypal付款的.别听他废话.没钱就不发货.更何况你说金额挺大,那就更得谨慎了.英国2人不少,我圣诞给英国朋友寄的罗技gt5的方向盘,在英国寄丢了,估计是被邮递员迷了,亏了寄的dhl带保险的,现在正在处理理赔.所以英国人还是小心点吧. 嗯,刚打电话paypal问了一下,呵呵
英国骗子不少啊 =。=哎。。。跨国好几次paypal交易都很迅速愉快。。。我很蛋定。。。
管它e文神马文,钱不到坚决不发货,发货地址我还每次都用google map看看,以免出错。。。 现在ebay搞的这个paypal太害人了。前一阵子卖个东西,买家直接paypal付账了,速度倒是快,同时看到paypal上已经直接扣掉手续费了,当时算了下,哦,比ebay要受的手续费少啊,当时还心里一阵窃喜,(第一次用paypal,不知道这个东东也要收费)以为ebay给少算了。结果等几天ebay的手续费也来了。真是变着法的收钱啊,本来转帐的话就只交一份钱,现在要交两份钱,而且不用paypal还不行,我擦擦擦啊。。。 回复 9# cade