德国血统证书 ----8过 属于历史了
感兴趣的人可以看看,不过现在没有了,二战时确实存在过Aryan certificateFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search
A 1943 Ariernachweis
Ahnentafel used as AriernachweisIn Nazi Germany, the Aryan certificate (German: Ariernachweis) was a document which certified that a person was a member of the Aryan race. Beginning in April 1933 it was required from all employees and officials in the public sector, including education, according to the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service.
There were two main types.
Kleiner Ariernachweis" ("Lesser Aryan certificate") was one of:
Seven birth or baptism certificates (the person, his parents and grandparents) and three marriage certificates (parents and grandparents) or certified proofs thereof.
Ahnenpass (literally ancestor's passport)
Certified genealogy table ("Ahnentafel")
"Großer Ariernachweis" ("Greater Aryan certificate") was required for compliance with the requirements of "Reichserbhofgesetz" (land heritage law) and membership in the Nazi party. This certificate had to trace the family pedigree down to 1800 (and to 1750 for SS officers).
。 今天还和我家那个说这个,他惊呼,天哪,现在还有人提这个,这个就是瞎扯 今天还和我家那个说这个,他惊呼,天哪,现在还有人提这个,这个就是瞎扯
shyshy 发表于 2011-3-18 21:24 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
是,所以这东西现在没有了~~ 是,所以这东西现在没有了~~
duliebstmich 发表于 2011-3-18 21:29 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
好像只有43年有,以后就没有了 好像只有43年有,以后就没有了
shyshy 发表于 2011-3-18 21:30 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
这证书的存在肯定会引起偏见和歧视,还是没的好 ~~ MM真勤劳阿,等我这个懒人不知道猴年马月呢。。这个当时老公给我看的时候我没在意,然后也许他是开玩笑说我们宝宝因为我就没有了,我当真了就没再理他,但是记得有这么回事。。我咋记得是绿色的本本呢,半个A4大小 {:3_249:} 刚看到标题以为是给狗狗的 MM真勤劳阿,等我这个懒人不知道猴年马月呢。。这个当时老公给我看的时候我没在意,然后也许他是开玩笑说 ...
feuerstein 发表于 2011-3-18 23:25 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
也是google上搜的。说是有两个版本的,有可能你家的是另外版的 ~~ 本帖最后由 feuerstein 于 2011-3-19 00:14 编辑
回复 8# duliebstmich
刚刚老公回来我问他了,确实是希特勒时期搞的,主要为了区别犹太人的。现在没有了。。还取笑我是不是也想办一个,说 Chinesen machen sowieso immer Kopie..被我打跑了{:5_345:} 回复duliebstmich
刚刚老公回来我问他了,确实是希特勒时期搞的,主要为了区别犹太人的。现在没 ...
feuerstein 发表于 2011-3-19 00:12 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif