新闻转贴 米国 AT&T 吃了 T-Mobile USA Telekom真是无语。。。先从新闻看到才收到内部邮件 我在用t-mobile,真是越来越烂了。。。考虑提前去at&t 刚搜了一下,原来att也很烂。。。{:4_282:} I Knew already on Sundayfrom Twitter. However the deal is only done when the purchase with 38 Mill. is approved by US. Authorties.{:5_363:} I Knew already on Sundayfrom Twitter. However the deal is only done when the purchase with 38 Mill ...ericxu 发表于 2011-3-21 11:01
Who is U.S. Autohrity?{:5_389:} Authority翻译成中文就是“有关部门” 要经过美国“有关部门”审核才行,因为tmobile被吃掉的话,就剩三个运营商了。