no no
shi hao de tai duo le 这年头在哪里就业都不容易,德国的经济就不用说了。国内容易找一点,但是薪水那个低啊。。。。。。回复 orionsnow 的帖子
请问在哪里可以买到关于经济类,特别是统计类的英语教材呢?非常急需,跪求信息!!我现在在柏林!!you can down load it from website
or borrow it from lib.go to the bbs of
which book do you want? give me the names.
if you still can not find it in web.
if you want to buy, go to amazoneor AME , there are many books.inpeiking , there aresome book store sell it.
i can try to copy it for you. but copy in germnay is expensive. but it is the last method