短期方向不明,暂时bearish biased,理由是统计和Seasonality下周都对牛牛不利:The statistics mentioned in 06/03 Market Outlook, weekly IWM Bearish Engulfing and SPX down 5 consecutive weeks means unpleasant the next week.
According to Stock Trader’s Almanac, week after June Triple Witching, Dow down 11 in a row and 18 of last 20, average loss since 1990, 1.2%.
图形上讲,想来想去,又扔了一个硬币,还是觉得少了the 3rd push down (see 06/17 Trading Signals)。虽然the 3rd push,lower low不是必须的,因此可能周五的pullback就算是push down过了,不过如果仔细看最近SPX的几次反弹的话,这次恐怕是最弱的,所以可能倾向于the 3rd push down还没有完,是有一点点点点(此处省略100个点点)道理的。
其他没啥说的,Normalized CPCE可能创了历史,Net % of all Sentimentrader’s Indicators at Extreme依然非常bullish,不过QQQ连跌7周,过去两次后面都不好玩,当然,总可以问,是否第三次会不一样?总之,下周继续反弹,我不会觉得很吃惊,但是,是否the low was in了,这个,还得走着瞧。