APS is very important.
without it , it is very hard to get visa.i suggest you get APS first.
btw.is your BSc. by " cheng ren gao jiao "?
if that is ture , it is unaccepted by germany university.
sorry i am busy these days
busy with exmasi can not do any kind of service.APS is very important.
without it , it is very hard to get offer andvisa. but somebody still get it.
and if you change your major( far from original)
i am afraid you will be from the beginning. because you have no basic knowledge回orionsnow
常途径如何申请留学 姑且看你BA证书上写的是什么专业就申请相关专业的英语硕士,英语授课教育学的master很少,记得Uni Göttingen有 aufbau的德语授课的。 还不如先写email去大学说明你的具体情况,再决定要不要申请。
uni bayreuth have english liture master
i have a friends there , and i know how to applyfor education master , it is rare.but you can try teacher exams 'learnamt pruefen'. with edu master ,you can not be a teacher. but with learnamt pruefen, you can. 不是我说你,本科英语专业,过来很难毕业,别浪费钱了。国内发展不是坏事。何况你能否过了APS这关都难说
if you are boy
you can try,for young boy it is better to see the world. once you leave your hometown.you will find it is very small.but for girl, it is better consider it. life is hard here. however , you have sister here . right?