1-1-3-1-3 Exception?
发信人: rover (Eggplant), 信区: Java标题: Re: thread programming please help, thank you
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Sat Sep4 15:40:50 1999)
【 在 waterbird (爱来不来) 的大作中提到: 】
:I want to use datagramsocket in a thread, the foliowing is client code,
: It can't pass compiling, reports the following error information:
: Exception java.net.SocketException must be caught, or it must be declared in
:the throws clause of this method.
: Please help me to check the mistakes, thank you very much!
这个错误的意思就是说Java要求你把所有可能抛出Exception 的语句都
catch (Exception e)
: *****code******
:public class SendingThread_Client extends Thread {
: protected DatagramSocket ssock_client = null;
: protected String clientname = "bird";
: protected String server_address = null;
: protected InetAddress server_ip = null;
: public SendingThread_Client(String addrs) throws IOException {
: server_address = addrs;
: start();
: };
: public void run() {
: System.out.println("Sending Thread on server side starts...");
: System.out.println("Client's name is " + this.clientname);
: System.out.println("Server is " + this.server_address);
: ssock_client = new DatagramSocket();
: byte[] buf = new byte;
: buf = clientname.getBytes();
: InetAddress server_ip = InetAddress.getByName(this.server_address);
: DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket
: (buf, buf.length, server_ip, 6666);
: ssock_client.send(packet);
: }
: }
※ 来源:·BBS 水木清华站 bbs.net.tsinghua.edu.cn·