请教一下,结果是个向量,在MATLAB中怎么自然画出DATA的概率分布图(要曲线)。。在MATLAB中用过些函数,但都不太理想,谢谢 没看明白.曲线只能表示标量的分布啊. I wanna plot x axis is value from vector, y axis is probability value..danke dangdai 发表于 2011-10-10 09:06 static/image/common/back.gif
I wanna plot x axis is value from vector, y axis is probability value..danke
"value from vector" ??? for example, I get results saved as a vector,like x=.
I need plot the probability distribution curve with x-axis( vector value) and y-axis( probability value). I know there are lots of options. x=
plot(x,y) ????,,thanks..i have no corresponding probability vector dangdai 发表于 2011-10-10 11:41 static/image/common/back.gif
????,,thanks..i have no corresponding probability vector
wie hast du die Wahrscheinlichkeit jedes Wertes in x= bestimmt? 一定要用matlab么?
单纯画图我觉得gnuplot很好 dangdai 发表于 2011-10-10 10:45 static/image/common/back.gif
for example, I get results saved as a vector,like x=.
I need plot the pro ...
画分布可以用直方图函数hist(x(:), nbins),
如果你需要光滑的曲线, 可以用mixture of Gaussians或者其他函数去匹配.