1-1-5-12 Jbuilder7 新特性介绍---native executable build
发信人: newlife99 (aa), 信区: Java标题: Re: Jbuilder7 新特性介绍---native executable build
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Tue Jun 25 07:34:37 2002)
from jbuilder help
The Native Executable Builder, available on the Wizards menu and the Build
page of the object gallery, is a shortcut to the new Native Executable archi
ve type. This wizard bundles an application JAR file with native executable
wrappers for Windows, Linux, Solaris, and Mac OS X. Important: Because the J
DK is not bundled with the JAR file, it must be installed on the user's comp
uter in order to run the executable
【 在 newlife99 (aa) 的大作中提到: 】
: Native Executable Builder
: 顾名思义,就是说构建本地化可执行程序,这可是好多人想找的冬冬。
: 效果还不错。
: 具体原理吗----我还不太清楚
: 好像是利用JNI启动了Java虚拟机,而且把jar文件也放在了exe文件中。
: 那位大侠研究一下他生成的exe文件再说。