Moreover, its computational speed is relatively slow and, therefore, more efficient algorithm is urgently required.
and, therefore,
Moreover, the progress due to selection, in the literature of selection theory (e.g., \cite{Lynch1997}) commonly referred to as selection gain which is defined as the expectation of the candidates over the multi-dimensional area restricted by the truncation points, is a multi-dimensional integral.
这句感觉头重脚轻,重点跑后边去了。 1, Moreover, its computational speed is relatively slow, therefore, a more efficient algorithm is urgently required.
2, 要分开说 中文说下,想说什么意思 Moreover, the computational speed is relatively slow, therefore more efficient algorithm is urgently required.
and, therefore,
Moreover, due to the selection progress, in the literature (e.g., \cite{Lynch1997}) referred to as selection gain, which is defined as the expectation of the candidates over the multi-dimensional area, restricted by the truncation points, is a multi-dimensional integral.
我并没全部理解LZ要表达的意思,可能改的面目全非了,请谅解。如果有中文解释会容易些。{:5_339:} 本帖最后由 orionsnow 于 2012-2-8 09:53 编辑
第一句话前边一句说,这算法有功能缺陷 。
第二句是一个大定语,定义什么是 selection progress。 然后说明,如果这样定义,那么定义的公式写出来是一个高维积分。
地板 的2句子好象有问题,我找不到主语了。
Moreover, its computational speed is slow. Therefore a more efficient algorithm is urgently required.
selection gain commonly referred to in the literature of selection theory (e.g., \cite{Lynch1997}) is defined as the expectation of the candidates over the multi-dimensional area restricted by the truncation points. the progress due to selection in this computation is a multi-dimensional integral.
另外 computation is slow vs speed is low, 中文的习惯问题
算法这种东西 貌似很难到urgently required的地步,除了招工赶进度,救灾缺资源,医药救人之类的很少见。
本帖最后由 orionsnow 于 2012-2-8 13:47 编辑
Moreover, its speed is inefficient, in area such as plant breeding where high dimensional data must be treated within a few days for the next season. Therefore, a more efficient algorithm is urgently required.
Moreover, its speed is inefficient, in area such as plant breeding where the optimal allocation of high dimensional data must be calculated within a few days for the next season. Therefore, a more efficient algorithm is urgently required.
thank you for the suggestion. 本帖最后由 DanDu 于 2012-2-8 15:30 编辑
Moreover, despite its inefficiency in computation, the incapability to tackle the unprecedented high dimensional data emerging in areas such as plant breeding makes it infeasible in the modern era of research. Therefore, development of more efficient algorithm becomes crucial, a fast and viable computational approach is strongly needed.
植物数据的高维性不是样本数多带来的,而是测量引起的,比如分子生物学标记信息(marker,e。g。 SNP)等。
急需的原因是因为利用了南北半球的换季。 第一次南半球收割和第二次北半球播种之间的间隔只有一周到一个月左右。 错过了就要再等半年。连带测量,数据分析,配种必须全部完成。现在在我们这个领域,现在高维数据涉及到参数最优化,都是化简或者近似处理的。
我还想到一个例子,就是证券交易所的数据处理,我们原来参考的软件就是干这个用的。 可能时间更短,只有一天,不过估计没有对高维数据做参数最优化。 具体对那个行业不是很了解。