总觉得德国人还是想创收,如果就因为这个“或”就可以不开VE, 那他们会少不少收入的,一份25呢。不过话说回来,自己还是有点侥幸心理,结果多花了好多时间和精力,所以说VE一定要开。 附一个之前使馆的回复,对“3个月工资单 或 经济担保VE”的解释
Dear Sir or Madam,
this information sheets that is valid for all Schengen countries. Some
of these countries do not have a formal obligation - in these countries
instead of the VE the proof of income is necessary. As Germany does have
VE you should present it.
With best regards
German Embassy Beijing- visa section
简单说就是“俺们德国就是要这25欧,你给不给吧?”我当时的感觉就是,胳膊拧不过大腿啊!况且使馆的人都是玩文字游戏的高手,我和他们纠结这个“或”字不是以卵击石么。 总之顺利拿到签证就好{:5_342:} waynebuddy 发表于 2012-5-10 10:07 static/image/common/back.gif
附一个之前使馆的回复,对“3个月工资单 或 经济担保VE”的解释
Dear Sir or Madam,