我看到dealer的二手报价都是已含19%的税的,个人卖的没看到,他们标的价格难道不含税?另外这个税应该是卖方交的吧?可能跟国内不一样,国内一般都标净得价,剩下的都得买方承担,求德国的真相,不是很了解的说 个人卖没税的标出来的应该都是含税价 google上找了找
Used cars
If you are a private individual in the EU selling your used car to a buyer based in the EU, no VAT is due on the transaction – either in your country or the buyer's country of residence.
A car is considered second-hand if:
it is sold more than six months after the date it was first driven
it has been driven more than 6 000 km