英国选手“作弊”夺金 国际自盟:没任何问题
http://2012.sina.com.cn/zq/cy/2012-08-03/104036849.shtml新浪体育讯 周四(8月2日)的奥运会男子团体场地自行车赛上,英国选手保留了自己在这个项目的优势,在决赛中击败法国获得金牌,同时也帮助名将霍伊争到了他个人的第五枚奥运金牌。然而,事情远没有这么简单,英国队的夺金过程涉嫌“欺诈”和“作弊”而引起了争议。
晚些时候,国际自行车联盟表示,这次奥运男子团体场地自行车赛的成绩没有任何问题。(北江户川) http://sports.yahoo.com/news/cycling-crashed-purpose-says-victorious-briton-012145910--spt.html
LONDON (Reuters) - German-born Philip Hindes said he deliberately crashed after making a poor start in the heats of the Olympic track cycling team sprint, an event in which he and fellow Britons Chris Hoy and Jason Kenny went on to win gold.
"We were saying if we have a bad start we need to crash to get a restart," Hindes was quoted as saying by British newspapers on Thursday.
"I just crashed. I did it on purpose to get a restart... it was all planned really."
British Cycling said his comments were "lost in translation", adding the rider only started to learn English in October 2010, while the International Cycling Union (UCI) confirmed the result was not in question.
However, the incident follows closely on the heels of the women's badminton doubles scandal that erupted earlier this week.
Eight players -- four from South Korea and two from China and Indonesia -- were expelled from the Olympics for throwing matches in a bid to secure more favorable draws in the knockout stages later in the tournament.
On Thursday, Britain retained the men's track cycling team sprint title, beating France in the final to give Hoy his fifth Games gold medal.
But the champions had started the day embarrassingly in the qualifying session.
First man Hindes seemed to have trouble with his front wheel and crashed after a quarter of a lap in the match against Germany.
After Britain were allowed to restart, in accordance with UCI rules, Hindes made a cannonball opening to perfectly launch Kenny with Hoy finishing off in style. 双重标准{:5_356:} 哈哈,有这样执着真理的选手,真是难得!
看看这下对我们羽毛球的事情怎么说! 这英国人值得赞扬!!关键时候说实话!!! 赤裸裸的双重标准 东道主嘛,是要享受点特权的,这个可以理解。而且这种程度的照顾,比当年的汉城简直是小巫见大巫了。 ‘辛德斯是出生于德国的英国选手,2010年10月份才开始学习英语,
德国人上学不学英语吗?我的同事的孩子们都是小学就开始学英语的,这算什么混帐理由? 呵呵,这算不算是德国人的‘诚实’? 反正人家德国人(英国人)赤果果的把真相说出来,