有没有喜欢diana krall 的啊?
diana krall 十一月又来德国演出了,上次错过了,作为一个铁杆歌迷{:4_299:}我这次一定要去{:4_292:}准备去法兰alte oper的那场,有没有要同去的啊? Yeah. She is one of the most famous female jazz singers and pianists. If you like vocal jazz from Canada, here is another very good one, Molly Johnson. I bought her album Another Day. It is purely awesome. One of the best jazz albums I have, great songs plus great voice and great great instrumentalists. 本帖最后由 mariah1125 于 2012-8-22 17:29 编辑
daydayup009 发表于 2012-8-21 16:18 static/image/common/back.gif
Yeah. She is one of the most famous female jazz singers and pianists. If you like vocal jazz from Ca ...
jazz是我最最爱滴。。。。。还有blues。。。看来你也是很稀罕jazz,哈哈,知音啊。。。。 mariah1125 发表于 2012-8-22 17:25 static/image/common/back.gif
jazz是我最最爱滴。。。。。还有blues。。。看来你也是很稀罕jazz, ...
Jazz我也就是略知一二而已.平时还是以玩流行为主。window media player里面的免费广播里有不少好的jazz,而且都是大牌艺术家的作品。推荐试听。有个smooth jazz,比较轻松些,经常放Dave Koz,Bob James一类人的流行的作品,比较接近Pop一些。