你看看左下角,全球配送,而且现在免全球运费 本帖最后由 zeror 于 2012-10-20 12:42 编辑
What methods of payment are accepted?
We currently only accept PayPal as a method of payment. We are working towards accepting credit card payments directly in future. Please check with us soon for any further updates. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
We currently ship to the following countries:
Australia Austria Belgium Brazil
Canada Chile Czech Republic Denmark
Finland France Germany Hong Kong
Hungary Ireland Israel Italy
Japan Mexico Netherlands New Zealand
Norway Poland Portugal Russian Federation
Saudi Arabia Singapore South Africa Spain
Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine
United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States of America
SuperSaver(under 2kg) 免费的要15-20 business days 以后可以买大宝SOD密喽~ 牛。随便点了个首页推荐的手机,找了半天,我觉得他的牌子就叫Android。这个配置居然能跑安卓4.0。真是朵奇葩。
Screen Resolution: 320 x 480
RAM: 256MB
ROM: 512MB 觉得中文书对海外华人还有些市场,那些山寨电子产品在欧美卖不会侵权吗? 那些手机连个品牌都没有啊? 山寨也得有个名啊 这是什么?