本帖最后由 小小松鼠 于 2012-12-29 21:17 编辑希望对各位有用{:6_414:}
To whom it may concern,
This is to certify that Mr./Mrs. _____, ID card number XXX, has been working as _____ for our company since _____. We understand that he/she is going to Germany from ____ to ____ for tourist purpose and we have approved his/her short leave and would certainly keep his/her job position for him/her. Mr/Mrs. ____ always observe discipline and law and has been a loyal employee with excellent working performance. Since this trip is for tourist purpose, all the expenses will be covered by himself/herself including flights, accommodation, medical insurance and etc.
Name Birthday day Passport No. Monthly Salary Work experience
Your favorable consideration will be very much appreciated.
Sincerely Yours,
有人知道怎么可以弄回复可见吗?要不然我这个帖子很快就会沉下去了。。。 多谢分享,顶一下 很好!收了~