一种情况是行驶中系统检测不到钥匙导致意外熄火。另一种情况是系统没有发现钥匙离开,导致车辆长时间怠速,产生大量一氧化碳。另外有报告声称无钥匙系统导致车辆熄火后出现意外溜车。"Yet recent news reports, along with data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) complaint database, suggest a growing pattern of keyless-start-related mishaps, ranging from a loss of engine power to apparent carbon monoxide poisoning. In the former case, the car's computer apparently thinks the key fob is not present (even when it is) and shuts the engine off. In the latter case, it appears drivers are forgetting to shut the engine off after parking the vehicle in their garage, even though these systems are supposed to alert drivers when the key fob is removed from the cabin while the engine is running.
There are also reports of cars rolling away because the driver shut the engine off with the car still in drive or reverse -- something that can't happen with traditional ignition key systems that require the car to be in Park before removing the key." 嗯,我就喜欢听这样的负面消息。这样才有钱赚。 IT 业表示,有BUG才能收补丁钱 pattonoriental 发表于 2013-7-12 20:58
IT 业表示,有BUG才能收补丁钱
资本表示,有债务才能赚利息 我爱热钱 发表于 2013-7-12 21:03
为何现在好多车要搞这玩意? 无限升级无穷收钱。。。。。 想问一下,这种系统有存在的价值吗?就是因为钥匙可能会丢失或携带不方便?还不如直接在车门和方向盘上装个指纹识别系统不更好,利用指纹开门和启动。有个问题就是汽车在转让和租借的时候要频繁更换指纹。 什么叫没有发现钥匙离开?