大家好,小弟初来乍到,希望众位能多多包涵。小弟想请大家给点意见:我明年毕业,到时候可以拿到两个(顺利的话今年可以拿到一个法学学位,是辅修的),机械和管理,我是学工业工程(Industrial Engineering,英语翻译成德语好象是Wirtshaftsengineurwessen)。我去年9月份考了一次托福,587/4.5,申请学校好象是够了。我想申请明年秋季的双语的master,我什么时候递交申请比较好啊?
希望大家多给点意见,小弟这厢先行谢过! after 2003 Sept, you can begin the application Thank you all very much.!!!
Last October, DAAD holded an exibihition tour of German high education which named "Hi! potentials—International Careers made in Germany" in China. When they came to my uni, I have left my name to the Uni Hamburg. I said I want to study "Industrial Mathematics" there. About two months later, they sent me an E-mail and let me to see their website, after that I sent also an E-mail back to them, in which I simply introduced myself and told them that I would like to join that programme just because I am interested in Simulation and Modeling. To say this is because that there are many Profs, PhDs and graduated students studing it in my department in my uni. This year, when they present the program, they changed the name to Industrial Mathematics (Simulation and Modeling).
How do you think the uni Hamburg and the specific program? 到底是Uni-Hamburg,还是TUHH,TUHH是新学校。。。 谢谢大家的关心和帮助!谢谢lee,kasamia还有keo!
另外,Keo斑竹,Ich bin ganz sicher dass es Uni-Hamburg ist.
我在TUHH网站上看到他们有个"Global Production Management"的Programme,我蛮感兴趣的。你的意思TUHH是不是有点不太好啊? 不是,只是说TUHH是新学校,风格比较创新一些,但有些项目据说设计的不太理想,但其个别项目又是少数几个给Master提供奖学金的项目。
德国大学总体质量比较平均,一般而言选项目好过选学校。 明白了,我想这大概这就是“新”的弊端吧,呵呵,谢谢keo斑竹!