有弗莱堡大学的刚毕业或即将毕业的博士生么, 都是怎么发表博士大论文呢,我论文去年六月份提交, 十一月答辩完, 我还以为答辩完就是等毕业证呢,迟迟等不不来,才获知要自己发表大论文。Prüfungsamt就说要我发表论文,也没说咋发的,现在该问得都问了 感觉孤注无援。问教授的回复是
The key issue is that the PhD thesis itself needs to be published. That can be done as PDF with the Freiburg webmailer (from the University). I am not informed about the details how to do this and you should ask someone who recently graduated as well. Ask Anja or someone else at IFU (or Friedericke) to guide you. I am in Nairobi. As far as I remember I finally need to sign a form too saying that everything is ok. Please check for that too.
说说我的情况, 我 读博士拿得是奖学金, 签证类型确是18, 虽然在慕尼黑工大找了个博士后岗位,工作合同也给了,但是慕尼黑外办一直给得是3个月的临时签证,说需要博士毕业证明,去年一年感觉就在延签中度过的,唉,苦啊 在圖書館online也可以把。 问你们秘书或者管事儿的呀,这个学校都有官方说明的,有很多学校图书馆就可以!