本帖最后由 良乡 于 2014-4-15 18:59 编辑Strukturintegrierte thermoplastische Fasern mit CNT-Anteil als Last- und Schaden Sensoren in Zugproben aus Glasfaserverbundkunststoffen
求英语翻译,google出来的不太对劲。拿到结果马上就删,多谢大家! Integrated structural thermoplastic fibers made by part of carbon nanotubes as load- and damage sensors in tensile specimens of glass fiber reinforced plastics
基本google 本帖最后由 野原家新之助 于 2014-4-15 15:46 编辑
我貌似就能理解几个介词=。= 看起来能翻中文。。。{:5_392:}就是cnt不明白。。。 棱角九片 发表于 2014-4-15 16:49
Integrated structural thermoplastic fibers made by part of carbon nanotubes as load- and damage sens ...
ok,谢谢,我再修改一下就好,cnt都能明白看来也是明白人。不过那个thermoplastische Fasern 并不是完全由cnt制造,而是大概有12%。所以我修改下就是
Integrated structural thermoplastic fibers with part of carbon nanotubes as load- and damage sensors in tensile test specimens of glass fiber reinforced plastics
谢拉! 复材,好高端