谢谢! 帮国内的亲戚打听一下 或者你可以试试Lavylites的喷雾,如有兴趣,请站短,谢谢,hwym 发表于 2014-11-9 23:08
价格多少? 不是药品,是采用最新的纳米技术的喷雾,内含有300多种矿植物萃取成分,以秒杀的速度(8-30秒)渗透皮肤,身体自行吸收有用的成分,修复细胞,排出毒素,帮助身体恢复自愈的能力。 LAVYL AURICUM is a product, which has a broadscale use. It is unique in its technological production and in its effect and impact. It contains natural substances, which were not influenced by any civilization disease or pollution.The special construction of the nanostructure is suitable for cells and ensures their exceptional absorption ability.LAVYL AURICUMhas strong anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, fungicide effects, soothes pain, regenerates new cells (after injury).
LAVYL AURICUM SENSITIVE has absolutely the same effects as LAVYL AURICUM. It is designated for very sensitive skin or for the smallest children. Indications:
Cosmetic application, skin problems
- after depilation, shaving
- grazes or other irritation of the skin
- inflamed skin, acne
- cellulite, stretchmarks
- growing birthmarks
- diaper and other types of rash
Problems of the musculoskeletal system
- pain in the joints (arthritis)
- pain in the area of the sacrum
- pain in the back and neck
- inflammation of the bone marrow
Dermatological problems
- after plastic surgery of the face, transplantation of the skin
- large area lack of skin
- inflamed, infected wounds
- burns, frostbites
Problems with digestive system
- throat, larynx, stomach, small intestine, large intestine
- rectum – hemorrhoids
Diseases of the reproduction organs
- fungal disease
- venereal disease
- inflammation of the prostate
LAVYL AURICUMcan also be used for our pets. Lavyl was tested in veterinary medicine while delaing with various problems (after operations, infections, etc.), where fast regenaration was visible in animals.
LAVYL AURICUM contains alcohol, this is why the skin can dry if it is used on a long-term basis. LAVYL AURICUM SENSITIVproduct is designated for people with a sensitive skin.
Instructions for use:3 – 5 sprays on the affected area.
In more complex cases we will discuss the instructions of use with you personally.
Available packaging: 50 ml, 150 ml
Please note that herbal products are not medicament drugs and can not replace personal meetings with doctors and other health care professionals. In case of serious problems, consult a doctor and heed his advice! 你好 在哪可以买到?