Java Deverloper对Solaris感兴趣吗
作为 Java Developer, 大家对Solaris及其新技术感兴趣吗? 好寂寞阿,竟然没有人投票$失败$$抗议$ Don't cry...OK, ich komme! BeBe是什么专业的? 嘻嘻,本来想找个题目深入研究一下的,既然找不到志同道合者,就算了。
有人参加了或参加过open source 项目吗? I am Maschinenbauer.
But for Open Source or sth like that we and anybody can join into the club. e.g.
a skin for winamp of chinese style. (I know no chinese there)
or a plugin for it.(I know one from Inida)
an extension for firefox to make others more inspired by chinese culture.
Every time, when i get to know a new software or technology, for example, djvu, I would like to find chinese have also involved. but from the home page of djvu i found japan at first.
another example, if U use firefox extension, flashgot is top 1, but it cannot recognize nettransport, which as my viewpoint, much better than others! In Linux I still could not find such a download manager like nettransport, downloadX is not so comfortable.
too much bla bla, I saw your enthusiasm for that, maybe U can do sth...
[ Last edited by BeBe on 2005-6-9 at 13:17 ] 作为Maschinenbauer, 你的计算机知识非常丰富了呀, 赞一个先。
你说的这些例子,中文环境和软件的中文版, 各种实用工具都是非常重要的,确实需要有人去做。
我现在开始研究 HA(High Availability), HPC (High Performance Computing)以及与此相关的cluster, 看看过一阵子能不能写点什么。 当然半途而费的可能性也很大。
$瞧瞧$$瞧瞧$$瞧瞧$ 楼主的积极性还真高,欣赏^_^ 多谢鼓励。