黑客大赛!iPhone、安卓被完爆,windows phone最安全!
黑客们拿到iPhone 5S之后,通过Safari浏览器侵入了设备,并且获取了手机上的数据。
Windows Phone出乎意料地有效抵挡了黑客攻击。
Windows Phone security sandbox survived Mobile Pwn2Own, but researchers popped iPhone 5S, Galaxy S5, Nexus 5 and Amazon's Fire Phone.
Network World | Nov 16, 2014 10:10 AM PT
While no smartphone targeted by security researchers during 2014 Mobile Pwn2Own came out completely unscathed, the hackers were unable to gain total control over a Windows and Android phone. The partial pwnage of a Lumia 1520 and a Nexus 5 could be regarded as a victory if you are an optimist, or as a defeat if you are a pessimist.
Researchers were competing for $425,000 prizes by exploiting a previously unknown vulnerability in any of the following targets: Amazon Fire Phone, Apple iPhone 5s, Apple iPad Mini with Retina Display, BlackBerry Z30, Google Nexus 5, Google Nexus 7, Nokia Lumia 1520 and Samsung Galaxy S5. On the first day of competition, hackers popped iPhone 5S, Samsung Galaxy S5, LG Nexus 5 and Amazon Fire Phone. ... http://www.networkworld.com/article/2848396/...e-fell.html 三大阵营的一大波喷子即将到来。。。老板,来袋傻子瓜子。 我猜是研究WP的黑客太少了,楼下怎么看 同意ls说法
ps 自从微软木有诺记牌子了,丧失无数诺记脑残粉。 这些黑客不会是拿着越狱漏洞去参加比赛的吧~~~ coolsear 发表于 2014-11-18 11:09
不是。用的iOS Safari漏洞得到设备控制权,iOS的沙箱系统彻底漏了。安卓、黑莓的沙箱系统也好不到哪里去,也被捅漏了。
真让人大跌眼睛,居然是windows的沙箱最坚固,虽然WP浏览器漏洞也被黑客利用,但是黑客没有取得最高权限。 niubility 假行家` 发表于 2014-11-18 11:34
不是。用的iOS Safari漏洞得到设备控制权, iOS的沙箱系统彻底漏了。安卓、黑莓的沙箱系统也好不到哪里 ...
你怎知不是用的越狱漏洞? coolsear 发表于 2014-11-18 18:51
越狱漏洞,去的黑客还要不知道的? 假行家` 发表于 2014-11-18 18:54