转贴 Youngest Kid, Smartest Kid?
本帖最后由 cmiao 于 2015-2-25 11:45 编辑http://www.newyorker.com/tech/elements/youngest-kid-smartest-kid
传统认为 一个group里面最大的孩子(red-shirting)在体力,领导力,成绩等等方面有明显的优势,可是长期跟踪调查显示,统计意义上年龄小的娃更成功,收入更高
While earlier studies have argued that redshirted children do better both socially and academically—citing data on school evaluations, leadership positions, and test scores—more recent analyses suggest that the opposite may well be the case: the youngest kids, who barely make the age cutoff but are enrolled anyway, ultimately end up on top—not their older classmates.
In a way, the choice between redshirting and not is the choice between providing your child with a maturity boost or a challenge. 脱离家庭背景看这些都是扯淡。 无与伦比的好笑 发表于 2015-2-25 12:32
hehe, 心理学proved to be quite useful