大家好,想请问一下大学里全职助教(拿的是蓝卡)辞职后是否绑定的签证也立马作废,合同是两年,签证的时间也差不多。如果不是立马作废,不知道还能在德国呆多长时间??谢谢大家! 感觉是立马作废的 3个月。放狗嗖嗖就查出来了 悠悠闲人 发表于 2016-1-4 21:193个月。放狗嗖嗖就查出来了
How long is the blue card valid for?
The EU blue card is at first valid for 4 years. If the working contract covers a period of less than 4 years, meaning it is limited, the EU blue card will be valid for the time of the working contract plus 3 months.
It can be extended or establishment permission can be given.
What happens if I lose my job?
In accordance with section 82 subs. 6 of the German Residence Act, persons who are resident are obliged to notify the competent immigration authority of the loss of their job where employment is subject to approval by the immigration authority. The foreigner in question initially still holds a valid residence title, but the immigration authority may stipulate a subsequent time limitation at its discretion. This time limitation may however take account of the possibility to seek employment, particularly if entitlements to unemployment benefit 1 (“ALG I”) have arisen as a result of contributions that have been made.
http://www.bamf.de/EN/Infothek/FragenAntworten/BlaueKarteEU/blaue-karte-eu-node.html 悠悠闲人 发表于 2016-1-5 08:46
How long is the blue card valid for?
The EU blue card is ...
感谢回复! 108411 发表于 2016-1-4 21:13
立马作废不太可能吧,总有个缓冲期给打包吧 绑定工签的话至少要去外管局打个招呼,可能会给你找工作的时间,但一声不响好像不对吧。绑定的附页上都写雇佣关系结束签证失效的。 想知道楼主现在的状态有更新么?我现在也在咨询换工作的事情。我得到的消息是工作合同失效后蓝卡三个月还继续有效。据说也看具体情况,有可能还再延长一些,领失业金得蓝卡工作了一年以上吧。 马上就可以申请长居了,现在辞职岂不是看可惜了,如果你打算长期呆在德国的话。
如果你辞职是准备回国发展,当我什么都没有说哈哈 21个月就拿长居了,然后就没人管你干嘛了,辞职多可惜。