help, A question about duration of visiting VISA
Really sorry, but I am not able to input Chinese with this computer.My wife will visit me two weeks later.
She got her visa today. But there is a problem, due to misunderstanding betwenn communication between she and the visa officer. She only got a visa with 21days, but she will arrive on 13th August and leave on 3th September. I am not very sure when will the duration be strating to counted, from 13th or 14th. If 13th August and 3th Septermber are both counted into the duration, there are 22days. The officer told her she can get a new one, but she must pay another 350 Yuan just like appling a new one.
Then, the question is:
1. Is this a problem? Wiil she meet trouble at the airport when she leaving Germany? Will this exceed staying (if it is) be recorded in her pass?
2. Is that possible that she extend one more day's visa after she arrived? 楼主这就是你们的问题了,为什么就申请二十一天啊,当时申请一个月不就行了么
2,延长基本不可能 She of course applied for 30 days, and tell the officer when she will arrive and leave Germany.
But the office just remeber that her company approved her 3 weeks vacation and then give her 21 days. The problem is she already boughgt the tickets.
I am not very sure whether it is fully recorded that everyone when someone come and leave Germany.
Are there some friends know whether the Germany custom really records your passport number when you leave or just have a quick look?
The embassy told her, she can get a new visa, but she must pay another 35 just pay for that, if the left time is enough.
comparing with the coming trouble, that's not too expensive.