maidongxidemao 发表于 2019-4-3 15:54

123boy 发表于 2019-4-3 14:11
楼主的问题是abmelden,长居直接失效。能入 ...


jjenpearl 发表于 2019-4-3 17:11

派回來工作,公司給你有地方住嗎? 或者你趕快找一個地方 an 上。 如果問你的話, 是否可以說這段時間住的地方一直沒有an, 含糊過去?

jjenpearl 发表于 2019-4-3 17:13

或者繼續不an, 找到一個收信地址, 不行嗎?

maidongxidemao 发表于 2019-4-3 17:38

shrek_munich 发表于 2019-4-2 22:29
不过如果 ...

欧盟长居不过是你搬到其他欧盟国家可以直接申请长居罢了,但是总是有个接受国的,在德国申请的,固定地址就是德国,其他地方根本没用。而且什么踩一脚都是歪门邪道。Urlaub 这种临时居留在算居住天数的时候根本不算数的。拿长居卡出入境海关根本不敲章的,很多就看一眼就让你走了

shrek_munich 发表于 2019-4-3 18:00

maidongxidemao 发表于 2019-4-3 17:38
欧盟长居不过是你搬到其他欧盟国家可以直接申请长居罢了,但是总是有个接受国的,在德国申请的,固定地址 ...


123boy 发表于 2019-4-4 13:57

本帖最后由 123boy 于 2019-4-4 14:59 编辑

maidongxidemao 发表于 2019-4-3 16:54
但是养老保险和健康保险要有的吧?反正他回来工作,就很容易被发现。只是过来玩问题不大。不过其实就算不 ...
自己不去ab 就一直an在那里,被有关部门发现后缴纳罚款而已。

123boy 发表于 2019-4-4 13:59

maidongxidemao 发表于 2019-4-3 16:54
但是养老保险和健康保险要有的吧?反正他回来工作,就很容易被发现。只是过来玩问题不大。不过其实就算不 ...


上海老爷叔 发表于 2019-4-4 14:31

maidongxidemao 发表于 2019-4-2 20:57
Ab了有时候也不见得就能查出来,不然那么多搬家没及时登记的都没马上查出来。市政厅和移民局不是一个部门 ...


合写社会 发表于 2019-4-4 15:17

bthome80 发表于 2019-4-2 11:12
楼主ab掉在德国的住所12个月后,楼主的长居就自动失效了(跟楼主一年踩两脚木有关系哈)。如果楼主走运,机场 ...

居留法上没有写任何关于 anmelden和 abmelden的事情,所以你把这个跟居留是否失效挂钩是完全没有道理的。

居留法上写的长居失效条件是离开德国并且超过180天没有 einreisen。


shrek_munich 发表于 2019-4-4 18:55

合写社会 发表于 2019-4-4 15:17
居留法上没有写任何关于 anmelden和 abmelden的事情,所以你把这个跟居留是否失效挂钩是完全没有道理的。 ...

Permanent settlement permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis)
In general, a permanent settlement permit expires 6 months after the holder has left Germany.
A permanent settlement permit expires 12 months after the holder has left Germany
If the permit holder is at least 60 years of age, and
If he/she has stayed in the federal territory legally for at least 15 years.
The same also applies to his/her spouse if the latter is living with him/her with a settlement permit, and provided that the spouse is also at least 60 years of age.
A permanent settlement permit will not expire, even after a longer stay abroad, if
The permit holder has stayed legally in Germany for at least 15 years and has secured means of subsistence (this also applies to his/her spouse with a permanent residence title), or
If the permit holder is in marital cohabitation or in a registered life partnership with a German national.
The Foreigners’ Registration Office or the citizens’ registration offices (Bürgerämter) will issue a certificate to this effect. This certificate may be required in order to re-enter Germany.
More information about the certificate
In all other cases, a longer time limit may be permitted upon request if
The stay abroad is only temporary (for example, to care for a close relative, or for a semester abroad during a degree), or
If the stay abroad serves the interests of the Federal Republic of Germany (see above under Residence permit).

abmeldung你觉得不算left germany?
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