净空师太 发表于 2021-4-21 08:55


本帖最后由 净空师太 于 2021-4-21 14:25 编辑



自己查了欧盟官方网站说明 Already in the EU? | EU Immigration Portal (europa.eu),似乎答案是肯定的。但是总感觉这里说的是欧盟长居。


As a long-term resident in one EU country, can I live and work in a second EU country?Yes. You can stay in a second EU country for more than three months for purposes including work, study or training, if you apply for and are granted a residence permit in this second country.To obtain a residence permit for a second EU country, you may have to show that you have one or more of the following:
[*]Stable and regular financial resources to maintain yourself and your family;
[*]Health insurance;
[*]Appropriate accommodation;
[*]If you wish to take up a job, evidence of employment;
[*]If you are self-employed, evidence that you have sufficient financial funds;
[*]If you wish to study or train, proof that you are registered to do so.
You may also be required to comply with integration measures such as language requirements.The second EU country may have set a quota on the number of residence permits it issues. This could mean that your application may be refused if this quota has been met, even if you fulfil the appropriate conditions. The second EU country can also examine the labour market situation before allowing you to work, giving preference to persons already staying there legally.

下面是EU的法律COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 2003/109/ECof 25 November 2003concerning the status of third-country nationals who are long-term resident,从表述上来看,工作三个月以上需要另外申请,三个月以内的情况是否可以则没有明确表述。(当然这里是否是在线办公,是否是工作国家与生活国家分离的情况,并没有进一步信息说明)
1. A long-term resident shall acquire the right to reside in the territory of Member States other than the one which granted him/her the long-term residence status, for a period exceeding three months, provided that the conditions set out in this chapter are met.▼B2003L0109 — EN — 20.05.2011 — 001.001 — 142. A long-term resident may reside in a second Member State on the following grounds:(a) exercise of an economic activity in an employed or self-employed capacity;(b) pursuit of studies or vocational training;(c) other purposes.
更新一下信息:工作许可需要询问荷兰位于柏林的大使馆, 电话 030209560,有专人接听,服务质量很好,被告知总体上问题不大,但进一步的法律信息需要询问移民局。工作人员说法律信息需要询问荷兰移民局 Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND)打电话过去有英文服务,态度也不错。但因为同时涉及远程不入境荷兰工作以及不直接受雇于荷兰雇主,所以需要健康保险和税务问题再求助就业中心U如题,持有德国长居。目前被德国公司调派到一个总部在荷兰的项目上。
自己查了欧盟官方网站说明 Already in the EU? | EU Immigration Portal (europa.eu),似乎答案是肯定的。但是总感觉这里说的是欧盟长居。请问持有德国长居或者德国工作签的小伙伴是否有类似的经历?之情的朋友是否可以分享一下官方法律的说明?

As a long-term resident in one EU country, can I live and work in a second EU country?Yes. You can stay in a second EU country for more than three months for purposes including work, study or training, if you apply for and are granted a residence permit in this second country.To obtain a residence permit for a second EU country, you may have to show that you have one or more of the following:Stable and regular financial resources to maintain yourself and your family;Health insurance;Appropriate accommodation;If you wish to take up a job, evidence of employment;If you are self-employed, evidence that you have sufficient financial funds;If you wish to study or train, proof that you are registered to do so.You may also be required to comply with integration measures such as language requirements.The second EU country may have set a quota on the number of residence permits it issues. This could mean that your application may be refused if this quota has been met, even if you fulfil the appropriate conditions. The second EU country can also examine the labour market situation before allowing you to work, giving preference to persons already staying there legally.
更新一下信息:工作许可需要询问荷兰位于柏林的大使馆, 电话 030209560,有专人接听,服务质量很好,被告知总体上问题不大,但进一步的法律信息需要询问移民局。
工作人员说法律信息需要询问荷兰移民局 Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND)打电话过去有英文服务,态度也不错。但因为同时涉及远程不入境荷兰工作以及不直接受雇于荷兰雇主,所以需要健康保险和税务问题再求助就业中心Werkzoekenden(就自己目前情况来看不离开德国以及不直接受雇于荷兰,似乎这个机构作用有限)信息汇总转给雇主,等待进一步回答。。。

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查看完整版本: 德国长居,EU其他国家短期(在线)工作的问题