多客科技 发表于 2022-2-7 19:03

2022中国国际教育巡回展 China International Education Exhibition Tour

The 27th China International EducationExhibition Tour (CIEET 2022), organized by Chinese Service Center for ScholarlyExchange (CSCSE), will be held in Beijing, Chongqing, Shanghai and Guangzhoufrom 19 to 27 March 2022. Alongside the CIEET, China Study Abroad Forum 2022(CSAF 2022) will be convened on 18 March in Beijing.

Approved by the Ministry of Education P.R.China, CIEET is held annually in major cities around China to provide timely,comprehensive and authoritative study abroad information to Chinese outboundstudents, as well as all-round publicity and promotion services to overseasexhibitors. It also serves as a platform for promoting exchanges andcooperation between Chinese and overseas higher educational institutions. Sinceits inception in 1999, CIEET has been held in over 20 major cities around China.More than 2,600 universities and institutions from 56 countries and regionshave participated in this yearly event and showcased their educationalopportunities to around 1.47 million offline visitors and over 1 million onlineviewers. With decades of intensive brand-feeding, CIEET has become one of themost acknowledged and influential international education exhibitions in China andis considered a barometer of the self-funded study abroad service market forChina.

To better respond to new needs andchallenges in a post-pandemic scenario, CSCSE will step up its endeavours todeliver a successful CIEET 2022 with the following highlights:

* Innovative trio event to fosterall-embracing study abroad exhibitions. The conventional internationaleducaiton exhibition will be organized in company with the “Job Fair forReturned Chinese Talents from Overseas Studies” and the “Pre-departureOrientation for a Safe and Pleasant Learning Experience Abroad” at the CIEETBeijing Stop on 19 March to provide all-round, intergrated services for bothoutbound students and returned talents.

* Trendy topics to foster in-depthdialogue platform. The CSAF 2022 will bring together experts and majorstakeholders from home and abroad for tailor-made sub-forums, including theFirst Annual Conference on Overseas Credential Evaluation, which will focus onsuch topical issues as global student mobility, mutual credit recognition andcross-border education quality assurance, in a bid to explore innovativepathways for high-quality international talent cultivation in the post-pandemicera. CIEET Exhibitors will have the privilege to attend all CSAF sessions.

* Flexible exhibiting channels to breakthrough time-and-space limitations. CIEET will provideon-line solutions for overseas exhibitors unable to attend in person due tointernational travel restrictions, so as to facilitate their real-timecommunication with visitors and exhibitors from Chinese universities andinstitutions.

Apart from the above, exhibitors will findit beneficial in ways not limited to:

* Promotingyour country as a study destination;

* Promotingyour universities/institutions on the Chinese educational market;

* Makingimportant contacts and developing your partnership with Chinese universities/institutions;

* Meetingwith potential outbound students to recruit qualified applicants;

* Mediaexposure opportunities by mainstream media of China including TV/radiobroadcast, newspapers and new media forms;

*Bridging you with well-known employers of different sectors in China andexcellent alumni from overseas studies.

Please refer to the Appendix for CIEETitinerary and registration form (附件二:CIEET 2022-- itinerary and registration form.docx.doc). Please feel free to contact us via cxxu@cscse.edu.cn (Ms. XU Chenxing, CIEETProgram Manager of CSCSE) for registration issues or any further questions.
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