一定要测试吗?为什么?如果没有专门的测试部门,程序员自己写程序自己测试应该怎么测试? 局部功能测试应该在组装测试前由局部coder自己完成
具体测试方法很多 什么黑和 白和的总之 好的测试员很多是好的 coder出身 原帖由 tadios 于 2005-10-31 14:36 发表
不测试没法验证是否正确实现了设计时候的需求。总不能把软件写完了就这么给用户,然后说“功能都在里面了,自己看看你要的东西在不在里面” 现在用Eclipse开发软件的,都可以自己编写TestCase,因为Eclipse集成了JUnit,程序员自己就可以对自己的程序进行测试。。。 是不是可以说测试是为了control软件的质量和功能 software engineering is a strategy for producing high quality software.
Testing is the process of executing a program with the intent of finding
errors.A good test case is one with a high probability of finding an as-yet
undiscovered error. A successful test is one that discovers an as-yet-undiscovered error.Only exhaustive testing can show a program is free from defects.However,
exhaustive testing is not possible.
A good test has a high probability of finding an error. ,is not redundant,
should be best of breed. ,should not be too simple or too complex.
Black-box or behavioral testing knowing the specified function a product is to
perform and demonstrating correct operation based solely on its specification
without regard for its internal logic. (You know the behavior of the system,
but do not know the internal detail), e.g. boundary value analysis: focus on
the boundaries of the input domain rather than its center.(based on system
White-box or glass-box testing knowing the internal workings of a product,
tests are performed to check the workings of all possible logic paths. (usually
based on the program flow graph).
[ 本帖最后由 flyingpig 于 2005-10-31 22:44 编辑 ] lz问的问题以前上软件工程都学过,可惜考完就还给老师了。嘿嘿~~~~~~~~~