1-1-16-4-7 肯请总结一下汉字处理中的问题
发信人: darling (豆腐干), 信区: Java标题: Re: 肯请总结一下汉字处理中的问题
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Sat Oct 18 17:47:58 1997)
【 在 never (NeverSayDie) 的大作中提到: 】
: 请大侠指点在汉字输入/显示.传送中的解决办法.
: 特别是 用什么编程环境,用什么进行编译 ,用什么服务器,用什么浏览器
: 只要能有一种解决办法,
: 我愿 用任何编程环境,任何编译器,用任何服务器,用任何浏览器.
I just know something about the display of Asian Languge.
For example, if you have Chinese or Japanese character in your
Java source, when compiling, use "-encoding" option like that:
javac -g -encoding SJIS code_with_Japanese.java
Jdk 1.1 provide the functions to convert local language character
to Uicode. I think it is " getbyte() " ( I'm not so sure ), you
can use it like that:
getbyte("汉字", Language option);
BIG5/GB/SJIS ... the document describing
the language code is released with Jdk1.1, in "Internationalization"