一个关于如何抢购廉价机票的帖子 转发
赶早不如赶巧——发点关于germanwings的牢骚~1月26号那天germanwings开始winter sold的时候正巧让我赶上,那时候看见4月份toulouse飞hamburg机票含税才35欧,立马下了单。由于我最终目的地是dresden,于是又把各大公司转了一圈最后发现还是德翼这边比较划算,含税34欧,于是顺手就一起定下了,还想着让我赶上减价,实在是心理暗爽~
I booked early, but later on I saw the same flight offered on the internet at a lower price – why?
Because Germanwings regularly offer special deals in the internet, it can happen that you book a flight at a particular price one evening and find the same flight at a lower price the next day purely by coincidence, within the scope of a special offer.
We are sure you will understand that we are not able to give refunds in such cases. This would represent a level of cost and labour out of all proportion with our low prices, which we would have to raise drastically as a consequence. This would certainly not be in the interest of our customers.
所以结论只有一个:赶早不如赶巧…… 最好就是时不时上去看看,但是谁知道接下去会涨还是跌呢!有时候看看价格可以接受差不多了还是下手比较好啊!