中国政府对韩国拍摄(朱蒙)做出反应:禁止引进韩剧,请它们彻底滚蛋作者: physics R , Jun 23,2006,14:03回贴 论坛
YonhapNews 11:07:44 06/22/2006:
中国质疑韩高句丽历史剧,警告韩三广电媒体KBS, MBC and SBS集团如继续拍摄高
Yonhap News 说如韩三广电媒体将高句丽历史剧以汗流形式向世界推广旨在影射
China suspicious about Korea’s Goguryeo history dramas
Yonhap News is reporting that China is unamused by the fact that Korea’
s three biggest terrestrial broadcasters—KBS, MBC and SBS—have decided
to run historical dramas dealing with Goguryeo or the Goguryeo successor
state of Balhae at roughly the same time.
MBC recently started up “Jumong,” a 60-part drama on the founder of
the Goguryeo kingdom, while SBS will start a 100-part drama on Goguryeo
from July. KBS will begin airing a 100-part drama on the history of the
Balhae kingdom from September.
The Chinese reportedly suspect this to be a government-backed response
to Beijing’s “Northeast Project,” which Koreans accuse of being a Chinese
attempt to appropriate Goguryeo history.
Chinese broadcasting officials at the 2006 Shanghai Television Festival
(STVF 2006), which ended Wednesday, apparently believed the stations to
be under the influence of the government, said a KBS official who was
at the trade fair. They also believed that three broadcasters’ producing
of dramas dealing with Goguryeo history amounted to a Korean government
response to China’s Northeast Project.
Chinese reporters and broadcasting officials were also said to have reacted
sensitively to MBC’s extensive promotion of “Jumong” at STVF 2006,
including its conspicuously displayed poster for the show at the broadcaster’
s booth. The drama has been quite popular in Korea, garnering viewer ratings
of over 30 percent.
The KBS official said there’s already considerable suspicion within China
concerning the intention behind Korea’s Big 3 broadcasters running dramas
on Goguryeo and Balhae at roughly the same time. He expressed concern
that as we’d seen in the past with the drama “Daejanggeum,” if the
broadcasters actively promote the dramas as part of the Korean Wave, the
Chinese government could respond.
Yonhap pointed out that since January of the year, China’s State Administration
of Radio, Film & Television (SARFT)—apparently upset about the one-way
nature of “Korean Wave” imports—has stopped screening Korean dramas
for import.
An official from Korea’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism said there’
s been some strange things going on pertaining to the “Korean Wave”
and “Goguryeo historical dramas.” For example, when Unification Minister
Kim Myung-gon visited China last month, the head of SARFT, whom Kim was
scheduled to meet, abruptly informed the Korean side that the meeting
was being canceled four days ahead of the scheduled sitdown.
An official with the Korean Broadcasting Commission said the thing of
which the Chinese government is making the biggest deal is the trade imbalance
resulting from one-way Korean exports of “Korean Wave” cultural products,
and that imprudent sales and promotion strategies by some Korean broadcasting
companies were also a problem. He warned that broadcasters shouldn’t
extensively promote in China historical dramas dealing with Goguryeo history,
and that if broadcasters try to link the dramas to China’s Northeast
Project, it could cause diplomatic problems.
早就该这样。中国几千年的历史 怎能由弹丸韩国 来解释!! 汉服 - zhan 11:38:40 06/22/2006
韩国人淫意历史, 得了便宜还卖乖, 应该一早 - 非 12:50:35 06/22/2006
韩国自中国‘还珠格格’在韩大受欢迎后即全面禁止进口中国电视剧/no_text - PCE 14:43:48 06/22/2006
就不明白中国为何任人宰割,不禁韩剧/no_text - PC 14:45:01 06/22/2006
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早就该这样。中国几千年的历史 怎能由弹丸韩国 来解释!! 汉服
韩国人淫意历史, 得了便宜还卖乖, 应该一早
就限制韩国货, 任何韩国货. 真的假的$frage$全力支持啊$支持$
政府早就应该这么做了 抵制高丽棒子 东北工程是什么啊? 原帖由 柠檬蜂蜜汁 于 2006-6-23 20:40 发表
同问$汗$ 同问
另外支持!!韩剧都一样模子,看多了只会浪费国人的时间,损害国人智力!! 真是得了便宜还卖乖。
整个一个琼瑶翻版 我? 看韩剧会使智商降低,这是大家都公认的事实!:D 棒子的足球队刚刚被扫出了世界杯,中国又紧接着对其文化垃圾进行清扫,今天的好消息真是不断啊$支持$$支持$$支持$