we are the champions !!! we are the champions !!! we are the champions !!! we are the champions !!! we are the champions !!! we are the champions !!! we are the champions !!! we are the champions !!! we are the champions !!! we are the champions !!! we are the champions !!! we are the champions !!! we are the champions !!! we are the champions !!! we are the champions !!! we are the champions !!! we are the champions !!! we are the champions !!! we are the champions !!! we are the champions !!! we are the champions !!! we are the champions !!! we are the champions !!! we are the champions !!! we are the champions !!! 热烈祝贺我们的意大利,胜利属于所有热爱意大利足球的人!!!!!! 狂定,把意大利顶上去啊.................. 意大利之夏!!!!!!!!!德国的意大利之夏!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D$支持$$支持$$支持$ $送花$$送花$$送花$ DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 支持意大利~~~~~~~~~等了2届世界杯,总算让我们捧了大力神杯~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ siamo campioni del mondo!!!
太幸福了..... 德国的意大利之夏 $握手$ 还要庆祝CANNAVARO的第100场比赛,他应该得这届金球奖.