Frage: Hello: We are in CHINA: We are the biggest brand bags wholesaler in Beijing, Our BAGS products: LOUIS.CHLOE.CHANEL.FENDI.DIOR.GUCCI.and JUICY..... Jeans and CLOTHES. International famous brands etc. We can arrive your customer to the direct postal delivery of item, Give you the best price.Satisfy your demand. If you are interested in our product, please contact us. Our service mailbox:以下略去20.09.06Antwort: Wonderful! I am in Germany and we know that Louis Vuitton is a French company and not a Chinese - I do not want fakes! Keep them in China!
Artikelnummer: 290031627016
[ 本帖最后由 mixmas 于 2006-9-27 22:43 编辑 ] 无知者无畏啊 这个发问的人是很丢人呢,这里是截图,为了保护正常卖家用户,原贴已做更改编辑
[ 本帖最后由 mixmas 于 2006-9-27 22:45 编辑 ] 真丢脸~~~
$bs$ $bs$ $bs$ 个JB破包有啥好的啊,能让人吃饱饭呢,还是咋地. 咋就不能自己整个牌子乜.罚磕蝼蚁厕$bs$ 鄙视啊 国内的人啊 没钱也想用名牌买不起真的就买假的假的出现正是为了迎合国内这种虚荣的心理
不过还敢拿到国外来卖真是太不知羞耻了 $bs$ $bs$ $bs$ 收到过好多封了,直接删除,不知道有没有上当的$汗$