qqsweet 发表于 2006-11-25 18:27

感觉是个坑。。。。。。因为超出我小小脑袋的想象范围:D :D

gast 发表于 2006-11-25 18:29

原帖由 的的 于 2006-11-25 18:20 发表

No way :cool:

wirklich nicht? ueberleg dich noch einmal. es lohnt sich. $汗$

猪哼利 发表于 2006-11-25 18:29

Pollyanna0707 发表于 2006-11-25 18:30

but u neither ML nor thinking?:) 原帖由 gast 于 2006-11-25 18:26 发表

DiDi is good at ML, but not at thinking. :)

猪哼利 发表于 2006-11-25 18:30

gast 发表于 2006-11-25 18:33

原帖由 pollyannalalala 于 2006-11-25 18:30 发表
but u neither ML nor thinking?:)

I am not sure if I am good at thinking. If I am good at ML? We can have a try. OK? :)

猪哼利 发表于 2006-11-25 18:35

Pollyanna0707 发表于 2006-11-25 18:35

when people are good at thinking like me, they will not refused u immediatly~~~~$害羞$though they even dont give a fuck!$闭嘴$ 原帖由 gast 于 2006-11-25 18:33 发表

I am not sure if I am good at thinking. If I am good at ML? We can have a try. OK? :)

[ 本帖最后由 pollyannalalala 于 2006-11-25 18:46 编辑 ]

gast 发表于 2006-11-25 18:35

原帖由 猪哼利 于 2006-11-25 18:30 发表

How much money?$汗$

My gott, You just know money money. U are really very cheep and simple. :cool:

猪哼利 发表于 2006-11-25 18:37

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