Aquaspirit 发表于 2006-12-6 17:47

酒过三巡 发表于 2006-12-6 17:47

原帖由 Aquaspirit 于 2006-12-6 17:46 发表

你看到的是这个?:D :D :D


Aquaspirit 发表于 2006-12-6 17:49

酒过三巡 发表于 2006-12-6 17:49

原帖由 Aquaspirit 于 2006-12-6 17:47 发表


sex and city,HBO经典电视剧,没看过要找来看看。

Aquaspirit 发表于 2006-12-6 17:50

vorig 发表于 2006-12-6 17:53

原帖由 Aquaspirit 于 2006-12-6 17:47 发表

She once dated with MR.TOO BIG and builded her ever first normal friendship with a guy.

酒过三巡 发表于 2006-12-6 17:57

原帖由 vorig 于 2006-12-6 17:53 发表

She once dated with MR.TOO BIG and builded her ever first normal friendship with a guy.

did they Fk or not? once or not at all. cant remember any more.$汗$

vorig 发表于 2006-12-6 18:03

原帖由 酒过三巡 于 2006-12-6 17:57 发表

did they Fk or not? once or not at all. cant remember any more.$汗$
$汗$ $汗$
they did try it hard,but still~~Its just because of the unnormal size~~:D

suker333 发表于 2006-12-6 18:10

那个MM一定是听别人说的, 她又不是阅人无数那种人. 以讹传讹了.

Aquaspirit 发表于 2006-12-6 18:13

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