eisenstange 发表于 2007-2-21 13:53

原帖由 小牛军队 于 2007-2-19 18:53 发表

首先说说测试问题。我猜测,你说的一个星期的测试是对成品的测试。且不说一个星期的成品测试期对于交付到客户手中的软件来说是百分百的太短,单纯从你说的一个星期测试我就可以提出几个问题:你们总共测试了 ...

i think the Programmer who working in Microsoft is the luckyest one of the whole world, because they "make no BUGs", and every their Problem in Customer, it can be said just Customer's fault, not Windows. :D :D ,

the only question is then ,why they give so much service pack 1,2,3,4,5,6...one after another, since their code are BUG free? on other words, why they didn't "test" it before they sale it to customer?

i trust the person in our Software Development Devison much more than the guys in Microsoft. they have passed CMM III for a quite long time, and as i know they wrote even test program for Function Block over 2000 Lines.

1 Week test is passed for fast all projects, there is a "Badwell" prinzip, in China's market fast nobodyuse "monte carlo" prinzip for test. and except that error we have keep 5 Years BUG free record in Customer side. it says lots than the theorie from Prof. in Uni.

the real problem of Windows is, they offer only a set of function's interface, and a few Documents about the errors, memory control process,etc. and if a error hapens, which the Windows return Error you didn't know,then there is no why to find out the problem and solve it. But with Linux, the open sourcce systems, we can manually Debug and compiling the source what we need. for Windows, the only thing we can do is call and wait.

fast every service which Windows offers, can Linux also. for example Photoshop, there is a open source software called GMIP, fast the same function,and the reason why we need to use Windows, such a "good"system, is just because we used to use illigeally software like photoshop for a really long time,and if you use linux for a period time, you will forget windows.

use Windows, perhaps you will fill more easier, but you have to suffer from it's unstable, illogical errors, it's "stupid", until some day you have to reinstall it. and again and again, why it is unstable? because they have the "Best" employeer, they write BUG free Windows, and with Service Pack.

cmh 发表于 2007-2-21 21:49


shfaye 发表于 2007-2-22 07:45

原帖由 eisenstange 于 2007-2-21 13:53 发表

i think the Programmer who working in Microsoft is the luckyest one of the whole world, because they "make no BUGs", and every their Problem in Customer, it can be said just Custo ...

也许你没做过产品开发吧。unit test是最没意思的,但是也是必须走的。2000rows就我2个星期的代码的测试行。多层结构我不可能一起调试,只有每个重要的class都做unit test。 我真的很难想象世界上有只需要1个星期测试就那么健壮的产品。 也许环境变量为1吧。或者是单细胞的console programm。

$bye$ $bye$

小牛军队 发表于 2007-2-22 11:21

原帖由 eisenstange 于 2007-2-21 13:53 发表

i think the Programmer who working in Microsoft is the luckyest one of the whole world, because they "make no BUGs", and every their Problem in Customer, it can be said just Customer's fault, not Windows.   ,

the only question is then ,why they give so much service pack 1,2,3,4,5,6...one after another, since their code are BUG free? on other words, why they didn't "test" it before they sale it to customer?

虽然你是E-Techniker,但我还是建议你去稍微听一听有关软件开发的课。首先我可以告诉你,测试的目标并不是你所谓的Bug Free,至于究竟是什么,留给你自己去寻找答案。。。你的原话我稍微修改几个词,你看看是不是也可以?

i think the Programmer who working in your Software Development Devision is the luckyest one of the whole world, because they "make no BUGs", and every their Problem in Customer, it can be said just Microsoft's fault, not their.   ,

如果你们的软件在世界上拥有和微软一样多的客户,我几乎可以保证,你们出Service Pack的频率还要高。噢不,或者你们根本不会出Service Pack,因为你们连错误的根源都找不到?。。。

原帖由 eisenstange 于 2007-2-21 13:53 发表

i trust the person in our Software Development Devison much more than the guys in Microsoft. they have passed CMM III for a quite long time, and as i know they wrote even test program for Function Block over 2000 Lines.

1 Week test is passed for fast all projects, there is a "Badwell" prinzip, in China's market fast nobodyuse "monte carlo" prinzip for test. and except that error we have keep 5 Years BUG free record in Customer side. it says lots than the theorie from Prof. in Uni.


1. 2000行的测试代码是什么概念?。。。噢,才看见我楼上的已经给了你一点小提示了。。。
2. 看来你是把monte carlo理解为测试的最佳方法了,这个观点可以说非常新奇。既然你不相信你们学校的教授,那么我建议你去好好阅读一些有关Test的书籍,看看Test究竟是什么。。。如果你连这个都拒绝去做的话,那我也就无话可说了。。。

原帖由 eisenstange 于 2007-2-21 13:53 发表

the real problem of Windows is, they offer only a set of function's interface, and a few Documents about the errors, memory control process,etc. and if a error hapens, which the Windows return Error you didn't know,then there is no why to find out the problem and solve it. But with Linux, the open sourcce systems, we can manually Debug and compiling the source what we need. for Windows, the only thing we can do is call and wait.

The real problem is, 你并不了解Windows,但这并不是大问题,要命的是,你不打算甚至排斥去了解它。微软提供的资料并不少,而是太多了,尤其是TechNet上面和MSDN上面,你觉得少的可能性只有一个:你访问MSDN和微软TechNet的次数比上萍聚少得多吧?。。。;)

原帖由 eisenstange 于 2007-2-21 13:53 发表

fast every service which Windows offers, can Linux also. for example Photoshop, there is a open source software called GMIP, fast the same function,and the reason why we need to use Windows, such a "good"system, is just because we used to use illigeally software like photoshop for a really long time,and if you use linux for a period time, you will forget windows.


原帖由 eisenstange 于 2007-2-21 13:53 发表

use Windows, perhaps you will fill more easier, but you have to suffer from it's unstable, illogical errors, it's "stupid", until some day you have to reinstall it. and again and again, why it is unstable? because they have the "Best" employeer, they write BUG free Windows, and with Service Pack.


1. 具有Linux宗教信仰而无条件强烈排斥Windows的人,比如FSF的开山祖师爷Stallman。。。
1. 在linux下多半也就是在KDE或者GNOME底下开开关关窗口的人。。。



eisenstange 发表于 2007-2-22 13:02

原帖由 shfaye 于 2007-2-22 07:45 发表

也许你没做过产品开发吧。unit test是最没意思的,但是也是必须走的。2000rows就我2个星期的代码的测试行。多层结构我不可能一起调试,只有每个重要的class都做unit test。 我真的很难想象世界上有只需要1个 ...

perhaps you have misunderstand what i said, otherwise i have wrong interpretiert.

"they wrote even test program for Function Block over 2000 Lines."

what i want to say, is, they wrote even test program for the Function Blocks in source code, which biger als 2000 lines, not the test code self biger as 2000 lines.

after CMM III(actually during the CMMII), Motorola und IBM(China) have meet with the leader team of SDD(Software Development Devision) several times, finally Motorola kick off their own team and buy the Software from out SDD.

the Prof. in Uni, we must also see wether they actually have a wonderful experience in Industry, otherwise what they taught, will be old, for example a Prof which is 50 years old, and if he taught Operating System but not Unix, how can he to prove he is better als some of the student ?

and till now linux Systemi didn't give me the chance to reinstall it.and even if i am a biginer in Linux, if there is new functions, i can recompile the Kernal, and for Windows?

连windows都用不好的人只有两种: 1. 具有Linux宗教信仰而无条件强烈排斥Windows的人,比如FSF的开山祖师爷Stallman。。。
1. 在linux下多半也就是在KDE或者GNOME底下开开关关窗口的人。。。

and how about the other guys who have to reinstall windows serval time a year just because of the system defekt and virus? perhaps they can use Windows so good, that the reinstallation just like a habit.

and can you give a reason why people need to give respect to 微软.

acutally we can make and we do make BUG free Systems, only the Prof. or the Students who take the words form "Prof." as motto, don't believe it, because using Windows, they don't believe there is BUG free Code anymore.

shfaye 发表于 2007-2-22 17:12

原帖由 eisenstange 于 2007-2-22 13:02 发表

perhaps you have misunderstand what i said, otherwise i have wrong interpretiert.

"they wrote even test program for Function Block over 2000 Lines."

what i want to say, is, th ...

你不要吧“单细包”开发就当成所有的软件开发了。这是误区。单片机通常没有过多的环境变量需要考虑,出现bug的情况自然就少。但是当我们处在比如说一个中型b2b产品开发的环境下,那就有比较多的异常情况需要考虑,作为一个普通人的大脑,错误是肯定无法避免的,唯一减少错误的方法就是养好test的习惯。比如说经常用unit test,喜欢工具的话junit,cunit等。真正的bug free在软件行业是没有的。就好象你不干保证你写了1万字的文章不能保证检查一次就可以查出所有错别字和语法错误一样。这和在linux环境下或者windows环境下开发根本没有任何关系。别把开发平台和操作系统概念搞混淆了。

小牛军队 发表于 2007-2-23 00:43

原帖由 eisenstange 于 2007-2-22 13:02 发表

acutally we can make and we do make BUG free Systems, only the Prof. or the Students who take the words form "Prof." as motto, don't believe it, because using Windows, they don't believe there is BUG free Code anymore.

看到这一句,我。。。好吧,用linux可以开发出bug free的产品。。。你赢了。。。:(

eisenstange 发表于 2007-2-24 11:46

原帖由 shfaye 于 2007-2-22 17:12 发表

你不要吧“单细包”开发就当成所有的软件开发了。这是误区。单片机通常没有过多的环境变量需要考虑,出现bug的情况自然就少。但是当我们处在比如说一个中型b2b产品开发的环境下,那就 ...




悟能 发表于 2007-2-24 19:21

长知识了!$支持$ $支持$ $支持$

不过,好象跑题了吧$汗$ $汗$

cmh 发表于 2007-2-25 19:25


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